Podcast: PSYOPS, Counterinsurgency and the Military Origins of the Internet

My conversation with Jerm Warfare about the military-intelligence history of the internet. From the NSA and CIA's seed funding of Google, through to DARPA's LifeLog which would eventually become Facebook, to the military cognitive computer AI system that was spun off as Siri (the virtual assistant on Apples operating system).
In reality, most major advancements in computers and the internet can be traced back to DARPA, the agency created by President Eisenhower in 1958, for the development of technologies that would help the US close the missile gap with the Soviets.
Few understand the extent to which Silicon Valley is the alter-ego of the intelligence state, fewer realise the impact this has had on the social sphere. But the story does not begin with Google, nor indeed the military origins of the internet, it goes back much further in time, to the dawn of counterinsurgency and PSYOPs during the second world war.
These alternative warfare campaigns against ordinary people have gone on to inspire some of the most impoortant events of the twenty first century, from the Patriot Act in the wake of 9/11, to Vaccine Passports following COVID-19.
Once we understand the Pentagon-Silicon Valley relationship, it becomes patently obvious that we need to exit the corporate internet and enter decentralised platforms like Hive, if we are to protect our freedoms, privacy and rights in the years to come.
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