I have been thinking for a few days now that maybe it was time to put together another LEGO post. So I dove into another bin that I had set aside for some time now to share some of the new items I might find. I quickly realized that I shouldn't have waited, but I had been working on some others for some time now. More about that in a minute.
To start off these LEGO posts I always like to share some of the coolest and most expensive LEGO mini-figures you can own. These almost always come from giveaways or raffles done at Comic-Con San Diego. Today is no different, in 2010 at the San Diego Comic-Con they gave away special edition Boba Fett mini-figures, the most interesting are the ones made of 14K gold and sterling silver. Only two of each was made. I shared the gold one sometime ago, but the silver one is also very valuable. The big problem when there are only two in existence is finding pictures of them, unless they have been sold on eBay. These have not so far. However, at least one has been sold at a price tag of $8,000. A little bit expensive for 42 grams of sterling silver, but this is a highly sought after collectible by hardcore LEGO collectors! And they will pay insane amounts of money for something this rare.
I would love to have won one of these, but having never gone to San Diego Comic-Con (tickets are over $1,000) the only way to get one is to buy it. Since I'm not a rich man, this will not be added to my collection any time soon!
Now onto my LEGO find!
A couple months back I found a bin of LEGOs at Goodwill, most of them belonged to a little girl. Normally that scares me, because the Friends line just don't bring in much money. But there were a lot of mini-figures and what look to be complete sets, and so I took the gamble. It cost me $60 and I really haven't even looked at it until a couple days ago. It turns out it was a very good gamble, and I should be making some nice profits on this one. I've already removed a lot of the mini-figures by the time I snapped this picture, but you can see how much is left.
Today I'll share some of the mini-figures I've pulled out so far, because some of them are pretty valuable. This little girl must have traded for some of the mini-figures or had a brother who liked LEGOs because there were several that came from sets that she didn't have in here! We'll kick it off with The Simpsons.
I like The Simpsons. The earlier episodes were a lot of fun, not so much these days sadly. I guess eventually ideas run out after 35 years! In this bin I found some awesome Simpsons mini-figures! Maggie came with the teddy bear Bo-Bo who used to belong to Mr. Burns as a child. Homer with a doughnut and a TV remote, and Mr. Burns. Of the bunch the one with the most value to collectors is Mr. Burns, bringing in around $25. However, he is missing hit green plutonium rod and a three eyed fish in a fish bowl. I'll have to try to find those at a good price to get full value out of him, but the fish may be an expensive piece. We'll see what happens!
Maggie and Homer are worth around $7-8 a piece which is pretty good, I've already made back more than half of my investment with these three alone!
She may not look very pretty in this mini-figure, but this is Padmé Amidala played by Natalie Portman. This is a very cool mini-figure, not because it looks great, but because it's rare. In this condition she should bring in around $50! Talk about a serious score on this one, it almost covers the cost of the entire purchase by itself! Anything else after these is pure profit!
Margot Robbie makes a great Harley Quinn, now even the LEGO version comes with blonde hair. This one comes from an earlier set before Margot took on the role. I think I might even have the parts for the set she came with, so price to be determined if the set is complete or not. I'll have to work on it this week!
Next up Cat Woman, when I first found her I was a little worried she might be missing some hair as the head is two sided. Turns out this one only came with the cat helmet, so I lucked out. I should get $10 to $15 out of this one, which is fantastic. A lot of superhero related female figures don't sell at really high prices for some reason.
When I first saw this one I had no idea who it was supposed to be. Turns out it is Marion Ravenwood from "Raiders of the Lost Ark". That is a very good thing as she came from an older set that isn't really common. I should be able to pull in at least $15 to $20 on her. She is worth more that Indiana Jones that came from the same set!
Here are a couple interesting Harry Potter characters. The first is Bellatrix Lestrange and to the right Narcissa Malfoy. Bellatrix is relatively rare and should pull in at least $20, Narcissa isn't as popular and might get $6. Not a bad haul. These were a serious devil to photograph using natural light, the reflections off the shiny LEGO heads makes it hard. For my final sales pictures I'll probably have to use some indirect lighting like I use with proof silver coins.
These are Genie Girls from the collectible series 12, they came with a magic lamps which I haven't found yet. They may yet turn up! They are probably worth at least $5 a piece, not too bad!
This is a LEGO Piggy Guy from the collectible series 12. Not a real common mini-figure and the first one I've come across over the years. He's worth at least $10 if not more. I like the collectible series characters, they almost always bring in some decent profits!
And as always when you buy a box or bin of LEGOs, there are always some other random toys in there. Here I found a Pokémon and and R2-D2. The Pokémon is Samurott from the Black & White game, and was a bottle cap toy. It's missing it's base but is worth around $5 as is and the R2-D2 came as a Kinder toy and is incomplete as well but worth $2-3.
I'm glad I didn't pass on this one for sure. I've been burned on some of my buys in the past, fortunately this one wasn't one of them. I still have a lot of sorting to do and building the sets to make sure all the pieces are there. I don't mind doing that because it's relaxing for the most part, unless a critical piece is missing. Crossing my fingers that won't be the case, but I have several to build. I'll share more in my next LEGO post.
LEGOs can be profitable if you are careful and have a lot of luck. For every twenty trips I make to thrift stores I might walk away one time with something pretty good. Persistence is key and I can't overly stress the luck factor. Never buy boxes of random LEGOs because you will lose money. Look for mini-figures or near complete or complete sets with instructions. Boxes are a bonus as people will pay a premium for those.
Thanks for taking the time to read over my post, I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. As always, thanks for all of the support, and I hope you all have a great day!
I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. Please do your own research before investing your hard earned money in any project or commodity.
All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated.
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