Every stormy night I find myself writing mysteriously of things I had dreamt of before the storm. I never wrote on normal bright days, the storm and night time has always been my muse.
On a cold evening after having dinner with the family, I curled up in my bed like a chicken invoking my muse to possess me so I could write down the heavy things in my heart. Shortly after my invocation, to my surprise, thunder bolts crashed in the sky and was accompanied by a heavy downpour.
Possessed by the muse, I grabbed my sleek gold pen and journal which were both hidden under my wooden bed.
The possession this time took me out of my warm bed to the front porch where the rain could drum rhythmically on my head as I wrote each word.
I didn't care about my journal being wet. All I wanted to do was write a letter to this boy who dumped me just because he knew I was always possessed by writing each night it rained heavily. He saw me to be a half witch and swore never to have anything to do with me.
The lights of my little cottage were left on and it was the perfect picturesque I needed to paint my words.
With trembling fingers I held tight, heart beat rising, I let the emotions flow;
"In the stormy night, my muse awakens
As thunder roars and raindrops beckon
I pour my heart out in ink and paper
In the lonely porch, with my pen as a saber.
You left me because of my mysterious ways
My love for writing on stormy days
You saw me as a witch, a half-breed
But my pen and paper, they fulfill my needs.
Now I write this letter with a heart so heavy
A plea to you, to see me beyond the crazy
For in the depths of my soul, I am just a writer
Whose love for words, could never be brighter.
The storm may rage and the night may be long
But my love for writing, it will forever be strong
So I bid you farewell with this final line
May you find what you seek, in this life of thine."
With the period sign left at the last paragraph, I dropped my pen, my tears sealed the letter and I took a look at my mother who had been trying to get me indoors to no avail.
I was completely drenched, my skin turned pale and dirt from the splash of the rain covered my entire body. I took my paper and my ink and walked back indoors to finally get some sleep.