Now it's becoming more clear that most modern models you meet online are AI generated models.
Here is a great example of such models on this video.
It's very important to understand that the development of AI models is mostly for business purposes and most firms has taken this entry, in other to grow their business.
Now watching this video makes it more clear how many online user has been deceiving other with the use of AI models for their perspective interests, and the younger teenagers has been the most vulnerable people in the world of digital technology.
The backend directors has been busy with the application of different data collection to enhance the effectiveness of their products and services, given to the more impact it has been creating on the real world.
I can also see the point on the fight against the use of AI generated post and images on #hive without the reference to the original post.
It's also quite to note that most video you see online are all AI generated videos. do you see AI Today? a model to grow business or to deceive followers. The main purpose of AI is to reduce the time, cost of achieving most important role in different areas of life and business development.
But most time people seen to abuse the whole process of increase productivity and use it to deceive others to believe In unexciting reality.
It's should be a critical issue in the future when we no longer have the ability to decide which one is AI models and real life models, because the quality of improvement generally is created to improve AI to be more effective and accurate to ensure their is no different between the fake and the reality.
Let take into the words of this video how they magically create this beautiful picture and video of an AI models to possible influences the people to believe in it's reality and existence.
This images below is a clear picture of the the points I'm making.
This images was taken from the video shared.
His a little insight on the rise of AI models on most social media platforms today as reported by BBC new.
Notethe images it's original screenshot from the video link. From the BBC YouTube channel as linked above.
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@ecency - asset on discord.