Well Hello There Photographylovers!
I've been meaning to share these for a while now, ever since I came back and started work! I was strolling home from the Grandfather about two weeks ago and the sight of it all was just so breathtaking!
I'm not fond of the heat and a sunny day in general, I mean sunny days are amazing it's just that I don't like the heat it brings! BUT it does bring beauty along with it, doesn't it?
I'm not sure what attracts my attention the most... The green fields? The blue sky? or the beautifull cloud bank chilling in the sky!
I suppose a combination of all of it right?
The only downside being that I didn't take enough photos!
This Is What Really Caught My Eye!
Even though it was hot and humid and all I wanted to do was get to the house so that I could refresh myself with a nice clean bath but when I saw the beauty of what was infront of me I just had to stop and take in every moment and savour it as best I could!
If there was one thing I could change about the photo it would be to delete the little barn on the left side of the tree underneath the branches. But that is unfortunately something I can not do hey!
Now a slight change of topic! I have to say it feels both very great and not so very great to be home! I mean I absolutely love the green fields and blue skies and all that but a cliff side view of the ocean is really just the best thing to be able to behold!
I decided to add both of these that I took.
It's hard to spot the difference between the two, but take a real long look at the two and you'd notice that one of them has more sky in than the other.
The idea was that I wanted to get more of the road in on the first shot so I held the camera a little bit higher and that worked out quite well for me.
Now the Betty fancies this one that has more sky in it and I on the other hand fancy the one with the road showing more in it.
So why not add both of them? They do differ from each other right!
Dated 28/01/2024
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