The Good And The Bad Of Working Out Of Town!

Well Most Would Disagree!
I find the burden heavy! Real heavy of needing to go out of town to fix something that is a... well pardon me... A fuck up...
It's not nice! It's not nice having to return to a job that is supposed to be done with and out of our lives!
I'm not actually going to share anything visual on the work related topic but this is a event that took place in my day FOR WORK!

What can you do if bossman says listen we've a problem and we need to go out of town to fix this mess! Okay sure as heck yes! Now you don't always want to do that but sometimes! JUST SOMETIMES it is necessary!!

The Bad?
Well honestly, the bad is a very small part of a big picture of beauty!
The bad part is getting up real early to drive up to where ever you need to be! Oh and the road of-course gosh that is so tiring sometimes, especially those long ass straights! That does eat at the soul!
But what more can be bad? The work well yeah.... but then again I would have jobbed anyways here or there or anywhere else! Work is work no matter where you are!
That's about that!

The Good Is The Beauty!
Okay yeah sure this might have been something better left for a photography post or what not! BUT I feel this was work related and there is always a beautifull or good side to everything!
The beauty of it! The absolute amazing views when making trips like these! AND YES some photos are blurry because we are gunning it out at 180 kilometers per hour! Long roads yeahhhhhh baby!
I have to say there is never a time where I am not amazed by the views and this is the same road I drive every year when going on vacation! Still stunned by it yes!
So I thought wellll I might share this with the lovely people of the #worklife community! And basically everyone on Hive!

These Are A Little Messy!
At this time things got a bit chilly in those mist banks! But dayum the beauty of it all! Amazing!

At The Location!
Now at this point we were almost done with what needed doing! We were on the way for the final test drive of the vehicle and I thought to get some good photos of the mountain stretching like a tower of the town!
Damned glorious if you ask me!

Heading Homewards!
We were blessed with some hectic rain on the way home! Those clouds were legitly right over my home town!
It was a massive storm there and from out here it looks mild at best! But it was wicked! When we got in town it felt like a damned hurricane!
Fortunately just hard rain! And that marked the end of the road for us and now well.... now I'm at home!

**_To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support._**
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**_Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like._**
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