The Dust 2 Deathmatch! (Counter-Strike Plays!) (With Commentary!)


Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Questioning My Ideas!
Well it's been sometime since I've had the CS pass! The CS pass is something you buy and then you have the chance at opening some nice items that could potentially be worth a lot of money!
Now if you think you're going to drop some nice stuff I wouldn't exactly say that! Nah! I just got lucky my first run! BUT I got real lucky on that first run!
I dropped the highest tier loot item in the "Sport And Field" collection! I'll share a picture below! Now this item is worth around $460 USD! That's a banger of an item to drop! Considering the pass is $15 USD! Profit margin... Insane!

This was the item I dropped! What a banger of an item to drop! Those that know the game well they know!

Sparks Flying!
Well rather pieces of skullbone being thrown around like it is nothing!
I mean that is why we came here today right? To see me pawning some players to bits! At-least that is why I came here!
This without a doubt was a hectic fun deathmatch! Now aren't they all ey! Aren't they all!
I got a little way too excited jumping into this one and I just started running right off the bat! So I had to make a way with a pistol for some time!
It worked for a little while but pistol against those big bullets! MEH!

My New Cannon!
Whelp I wont exactly say it's much better than the old one! It's a great deal cheaper than the wildfire AWP I had but I was thoroughly shocked when I saw how beautifull this thing is! I mean this is a battle scared one but for what it's worth it doesn't have patches of skin missing on it! Nah it merely just doesn't look as bright as it needs to be!
I did clap a few oaks with this one!

Oh The satisfaction of pulling off those quick scopes!!

The Next Match!
Oh and for the next round it was down to the Ak to show it's talent! YEAHP!
Now who doesn't like a good AK clap! I mean dang this weapon is way too overpowered! Getting those perfect shots are a bit more tricky but just as the AWP hitting does way more damage than you can possibly think it will!
Wreckfest incoming!

Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

If it is not too much too ask please considering giving me a follow on other socials! I would gladly respond with the same!
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_Also if you feel like wagering some of your Counter Strike Skins might be a fun place!_

**_To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support._**
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**_Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like._**
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