I fix, repair or rebuild stuff, Pure motorhead adrenaline junkie, I love the Steem platform, Self accredited Subaru specialist, Photography, Love Poetry
SA (Rainbow Nation)
Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!Here We Go Again!Of-course!Okay really we do a lot of Ford Ranger transmissions, not the only ones but we do a lot of them!Now here's the thing! We might do a lot of them but what we've noticed is the waves of the same jobs coming in time and again!
Well Most Would Disagree!I find the burden heavy! Real heavy of needing to go out of town to fix something that is a... well pardon me... A fuck up...It's not nice! It's not nice having to return to a job that is supposed to be done with and out of our lives!I'm not actually going to share anything visual on the work related topic but this is a event that took place in my day FOR WORK!
Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!Questioning My Ideas!Well it's been sometime since I've had the CS pass! The CS pass is something you buy and then you have the chance at opening some nice items that could potentially be worth a lot of money!
Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!A Pre Section.Well as most would know it has been some time since my last legitly technical post, the reason for this is simple! Things have been hella hectic on my side in all fields! Life! Work! And Educational! I've had a rollercoaster two months but that fortunately is behind me!
Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!Another Day In The Field!Well jammers out there! This wasn't exactly the most entertaining run I've ever had but it was a fun one none the less! See me and this buddy of mine always have this battle when we jump into servers! We need to bat each other out every damn turn we go!
Honestly Words Can't Even Describe!I'm serious though? What words can I use that could live up to the glory of this sunset?None if you ask me! NONE!Isn't it sad that most people live past these moments! Drive by along on the highway just staring blankly at the car infront of them! Not noticing the extreme beauties given to us every damned day!