Hello my lovely Hivians and Splinterlands-Gamers and Collectors!
It has been a week since I posted an update on my doings of being a splinterlandlord, which means owning two plots and buildings on them.
Again I harvested about 6k grain worth less than last week with 39,8 DEC. As there is right now almost no utitlity for GRAIN the price will probably drop further until new buildings are implemented in the game. It was said that Q1 will be a new update on land...Right now no official release date, but I found an educated guess about it online saying it could be 18th of march.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24tfm3FFoUI at timestamp 3:50
In my next update I will also go through my strategy of building a production ecosystem with just two plots and buildings.
I really hope the update is coming in the next weeks to make my updates more interesting.
happy farming and collecting <3