Developing my dCity #5

Hello my lovely fellow Hivians and dCity-players!
In this series of posts I would like to talk about a potentially important part of my income strategy here on HIVE: Building a dCity that generates a passive income.
Right now I am not sure if this plan of mine will ever come reality...
14 days ago I had over 10k SIM and increased my SIM holding since then every day to over 19k right now. I am not a mathematical genius but I think my 30 day average should definitely be over 8k right now. If we just assume my 10k holdings over 14 days that would already mean a 30 day average of 4,8k and I had SIM holding before that and also almost doubled them over the period of those 14 days...
The devs reassured me everything works fine on the discord, although my ingame SIM Power is stuck at zero. I believe it does not work how it should...
If nothing happens until next week I will have to look for other passive income opportunities...
SIM-holdings: 19.036