From Doom-Scrolling to Productivity.

In 2022, I started and finished an online certification course as a virtual assistant, and I was shocked. I mean, that was never the Monsuroh I know.
Usually, staying online was a thing I loved to do, especially doom-scrolling on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook. It was so sweet to be the first person to read the latest gist online, discover the latest trend, and enjoy it from multiple people, consuming both healthy and unhealthy tips from “ships” expert, while I contributed nothing to the world, but wasted data.
I jammed the course online in one of my wasteful scrolling on the internet, and I felt I could give it a try, even though I was really convinced that I would drop out in no time because that’s how it’s always been with me. However, when I started the class, submitted my assignments timely, and finished with a very good result, I was shocked at my achievement. Then, I realized that staying off the internet when it doesn’t serve you doesn’t cost much. But then, determination alone doesn’t solve it.
My 2022 achievement of successfully starting and finishing an online course paved way for the time-conscious Monsuroh that I am now. My day revolves around learning, writing, and earning, and the tricks and tools I used in 2022 are still serving me till now.
First, I developed a disciplined mindset. I wanted to disappoint myself at least once, by not dropping out of the course no matter how hard it was, and oh, it was hard, but I did it. I stayed up late nights reading and making research without getting carried away by those headings that would’ve click-baited me into reading off of the major reason I was online to start with.
I wanted to convince myself that I could use the internet wisely without wasting my time and data on frivolities that didn’t serve me now nor would it serve me in the future, except maybe I was going into the entertainment world, and learning “how to dance” was an important factor. Eventually, I did it in three months. After taking a long break from doom-scrolling, I realized that I could do more which led me to where I am now.
Tools Used. During the training as a virtual assistant, I learnt how to use google calendar, and that has been a helpmate at checkmating my excesses online. I draw up a to-do list using the Notes app on my phone and then find time to input these things in my google calendar, telling the app to alert me when it’s time to do that particular thing on my list. Sometimes, I just list out the things I need to do on a paper and then combine it with google calendar. And, right there, I maintain discipline in making sure I DO NOT snooze the alarm the moment it sounds. That has helped me get things done timely, and appropriately.
Eradicating what doesn’t serve me. After the three months training and I realized that I could do away with scrolling away on the internet, the first thing I did was delete the apps that wasn’t serving any growth purpose in my life. And yeah, TikTok was the first to go. I wanted to delete Instagram and Facebook too, but I offer social media management services, and I have clients that I currently still manage their pages, so those ones are serving some purposes for me.
Taking a break. Staying focused even with all the online noise is very important, however, taking a break from your focus is actually a good thing too. So, when I begin my day, I insert a few mins of break in between every task. That helps me relax my head, and my body, and prepares it for the next task for the day.
This is my entry to InLeo prompt for today. You can find the details here
Images are screenshots from my devices.
Posted Using INLEO
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