[Rant] What a sh!tshow


What a sh!tshow

Hello everyone!
Today I am writing a different kind of post as I usually do. It's time to write a good old rant article. I don't think I have written rant articles on Hive before but hey,for everything, there's a first time. Here we go.
As you could guess by looking at the gif, it's about Donald Trump and the way America is being ruled. I could understand that you want to focus on your own country and its economy, but when the only thing you care about, that's quite selfish. I am by no means an expert in diplomatics, but when I compare it to my social life, selfishness doesn't work. Yes, you can try it out and look for the borders but in the end it will be a boomerang which comes back in your face.
Like the tariffs, why would someone want to start a tradewar? It doesn't do good for anyone involved. I think the globalisation is already too big to be able to being selfish on everything. Yes, it's a good idea to be prepared for the worst and be able to feed your own people for example. Yes, I don't agree with the trade tariffs. I try to understand what the preferred outcome is by Trump? I could only guess that he wants to show his power to start stronger at negotiations with the countries he's imposing the tariffs to. Not sure which negotiations he wants to hold though... The whole fentanyl crise is just an excuse to impose the tariffs.
Another aspect is the involvement of Trump in crypto. I guess it's somehow good as there is more exposition to crypto but on the other hand it all seems a bit like pump and dump. He's just pumping certain coins which he probably bought before and sells later on. I don't know much about Trump personally but he's definitely a good business man. In my eyes he just wants to use his years as a president to enrich himself even more. Probably not only himself but the other businessmen in his government as well.
The thing I am wondering is if the American civilians, the lower and the middle class, will be able to improve their lifestyle? As I have a feeling, it's mainly a get rich quick scheme for the people which are already rich. Only the future will tell us if it will have been a good period or not for the average American and the world.
In his first term I kind of understood the way he was handling. But now everything is so extreme and I don't know exactly where he is going. Not that I'll be impacted that much in a direct way. But in an indirect way, I guess we'll all be impacted sooner or later. The thing hereby is that it's really hard to forecast what will happen. So yes, I wonder where the world will be after Trump's presidency.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!