Old Shoes May 2021 Flashback


Jump back to May 3rd 2021

I get some new kicks. A local sports retailer seems to have good prices. I purchase the Asics Gel Sonomas. It's a running shoe. I'm not running and I wont be moving straight all the time. I'm not worried about lateral support. My ankles are strong and these shoes don't have tall soles.

Total of $66.14 out the door.

Asics were 59.99, plus 6.15 in sales tax (10.25%!!!).

All of this inspired me to ask muh boss if they have shoe or "tool" assistance program. Answer was no, but he offered to purchase some invincible shoes I found on the internet. We'll see if that ever happens. I would be grateful.


It's time to say goodbye to the Merels and the New Balance. I would probably purchase those brands again if the price is between $60 and $70.

### Thanks for reading and thanks for supporting. Yes, this was an old draft. This was never published. I’m currently purging my draft folder. Simultaneously, I am purging the various visual elements I created for these posts.

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