After several weeks of watching psychological stress movies, I wanted to switch genres to the biopic which is another one I really like. Finding A Homeless Woman at Harvard which tells the life story of Liz Murray, I inferred from the title that the next few minutes I would be watching something motivational and inspirational.
It is about how Liz overcame all the adversities that life presented to her, how she overcame hardships and survived what could have been a horrible fate and went from being homeless to studying at Harvard, a prestigious university in the United States. The film begins with a heartbreaking scene where Liz's mother is desperately looking for some money to get high, fighting with her daughters who were children because they hid the money, while her husband is lying on the couch watching TV. Money that would be used to buy food, but Liz despite her hunger did not have the strength of character and gave it to him, remember that she was a child and she also suffered when she saw the suffering of her mother, then she left with her father behind her mother so she would not lose the money while she was buying the drug. This is the reality of many children in the world, how sad.
! [Spanish Version]
Después de varias semanas viendo pelÃculas de estrés psicológico, quise cambiar de género al biopic que es otro que me gusta mucho. Encontrando una indigente en Harvard que cuenta la historia de vida de Liz Murray, por el tÃtulo inferà que los próximos minutos verÃa algo motivador e inspirador.
Trata de cómo Liz superó todas las adversidades que le presentó la vida, cómo superó las dificultades y sobrevivió a los que pudo ser un destino horrible y pasó de ser una indigente a estudiar en Harvard, una prestigiosa universidad de los Estados Unidos. La pelÃcula comienza con una escena bastante desgarradora donde está la madre de Liz buscando desesperada algo de dinero para drogarse, peleando con sus hijas que eran niñas porque escondieron el dinero, mientras su esposo está tirado en el sofá viendo tv. Dinero que serÃa usado para comprar comida, pero Liz a pesar del hambre no tuvo la fuerza de carácter y se lo entregó, recordemos que era una niña y ella también sufrÃa al ver el sufrimiento de su mamá, acto seguido salió con su padre detrás de su mamá para que no perdiera el dinero mientras compraba la droga. Esta es la realidad de muchos niños en el mundo, que triste.

Liz's mother was also an alcoholic, schizophrenic and visually impaired, and from time to time she was admitted to hospitals to stabilize her. The place where they lived was a dirty, messy apartment, they were destitute. Liz did not bathe because she did not even have water, she was full of lice and dirt, she attended school where she was isolated by other children and that is why she did not like to attend. The teacher often denounced her to the social assistance, but because she observed the figure of the father, who was a more controlled addict, they did not take her, and because he promised to clean and be responsible in the education and feeding of his daughters.
Liz's mother, sick with AIDS and decided to leave her husband and return to the house of her father, who raped her as a child but had no other way out to improve her addiction, but Liz did not want to follow her and decided to survive as she had always done eating garbage, until she was taken to the orphanage and her life went from bad to worse, however she could leave and return to live with her mother but her relationship with her grandfather was not good and she returned to the streets, sleeping on the train, where friends and begging for alms.
Her life hit rock bottom when she saw her mom in the last stage of her illness and her dad living in a shelter also sick with AIDS. Liz decided she wanted to push herself and try a better life.
She was very intelligent, learned easily and liked to read, she managed to enroll in a school by parasystem without telling the truth, that she had no home or financial support to be accepted and so she got her high school diploma in two years, she participated in a contest for a scholarship in the New York Time winning 12 thousand dollars, enough money to attend Harvard and continue studying, besides being hired by this newspaper to work. Liz's overcoming is amazing especially coming from the lowest of society.
! [Spanish Version]
La madre de Liz, también era alcohólica, esquizofrénica y con problemas de visión, y cada cierto tiempo era internada en hospitales para estabilizarla. El lugar donde vivÃan era un apartamento sucio, desordenado, estaban en la miseria. Liz no se bañaba porque ni agua tenÃa, llena de piojos y suciedad, asistÃa a la escuela donde era aislada por otros niños y por eso no le gustaba asistir. La maestra denunciaba con frecuencia a la asistencia social, pero por observar la figura del padre, que era un adicto más controlado no se la llevaban, y porque prometÃa limpiar y ser responsable en la educación y alimentación de sus hijas.
La madre de Liz, enfermo de SIDA y decidió abandonar a su esposo y volver a la casa de padre, quien la violó de pequeña pero no tenÃa otra salida para mejorar su adicción, pero Liz no quiso seguirla y decidió sobrevivir como siempre lo habÃa hecho comiendo de la basura, hasta que fue llevada al orfanato y su vida pasó de mal a peor, sin embargo pudo salir y regresar a vivir con su mamá pero su relación con su abuelo no era bueno y volvió a las calles, durmiendo en el tren, donde amigos y pidiendo limosnas.
Su vida tocó fondo cuando vió a su mamá en la última etapa de su enfermedad y su papá vivÃa en un albergue también enfermó de SIDA. Liz decidió que querÃa esforzarse y probar como es una mejor vida.
Ella era muy inteligente, aprendÃa con facilidad y le gustaba leer, consigo inscribirse es una escuela por parasistema sin decir la verdad, que no tenÃa hogar ni apoyo financiero para que la aceptaran y asà sacó su bachillerato en dos años, participó en un concurso para una beca en el New York Times ganando 12 mil dólares, dinero suficiente para asistir a Harvard y seguir estudiando, además de ser contratada por este periódico para trabajar. La superación de Liz es sorprendente sobre todo viniendo de lo más bajo de la sociedad.

Liz's character does not criticize her parents, she simply loves them with all their mistakes, on the contrary, she embraces in her memories the few happy moments and admires them for their internal struggles and for the little affection they gave them.
What Liz did is admirable. The film is set in the 80's when Liz was a little girl, it has a photography that makes you feel in the past and it is easy to place yourself in that temporal space. She emphasized that although the parents were drug addicts, there was no obscene language or strong images related to drugs, perhaps she wanted to show the positive in her story within the negative, because she perceives loving parents who just couldn't take care of themselves and less of their daughters.
There are no unexpected twists in the plot, everything happens naturally and with simple dialogue, neither is it a depressing story that leaves you crying or with an emptiness in the pit of your stomach, I shed a few tears out of solidarity with Liz when she was crying 😅. With their stories I can conclude that the saying used in my house by my grandmother and my mom is true, the person who wants to destroy his life will do it with bad and good company, whether he is in a bad environment or not. I recommend this movie for the whole family, it has an excellent rating and has won several awards, as additional information I inquired about the protagonist Liz Murray and she is currently 44 years old, she graduated as a social psychologist and is still studying, she is a motivational speaker and teacher.
! [Spanish Version]
Hasta este punto lleva la pelÃcula cuando ella llega a su mayorÃa de edad y recibe su premió, es un ejemplo para tantos jóvenes que pasan por la misma experiencia, el personaje de Liz no critica a sus padres, simplemente los ama con todo y sus errores, al contrario abraza en sus recuerdos los pocos momentos felices y los admira por sus luchas internas y por el poco afecto que les brindaron.
Es admirable lo que hizo Liz. La pelÃcula está ambientada en la década de los 80 cuando Liz era pequeña, tiene una fotografÃa que te hace sentir en el pasado y es fácil ubicarse en ese espacio temporal. Destacó que aunque los padres eran drogadictos no hubo lenguaje obsceno, ni imágenes fuertes relacionadas a las drogas, tal vez ella quiso mostrar en su historia dentro de los negativo lo positivo, porque se percibe padres amorosos solo que no podÃan cuidarse a ellos mismos y menos a sus hijas.
No hay giros inesperados en la trama, todo sucede de forma natural y con un diálogo sencillo, tampoco es una historia deprimente que te deje llorando o con un vacÃo en la boca del estómago, yo boté unas lágrimas por solidaridad con Liz cuando ella lloraba 😅. Con sus historias puedo concluir que el refrán que usaban en mi casa mi abuela y mi mamá es verdad, la persona que quiere destruir su vida lo hará con malas y buenas compañÃas, esté en un mal ambiente o no. Recomiendo esta pelÃcula para toda la familia, tiene una excelente calificación además es ganadora de varios premios, como dato adicional indague sobre la protagonista Liz Murray y ella tiene actualmente 44 años, se graduó como psicóloga social y sigue estudiando, es conferencista motivacional y profesora.

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