A God Fearing Child Always positive and 馃尮馃槏
Promotion is a thing made to those who did well. In a class those who did very very well and all who did well to be promoted are supposed to move ahead to the next class are allowed to do so to the other class. We as individuals as students now try to do very well to acquire knowledge and at the same time in flying colours to be able to move on to the next level by God's Grace 馃檹. So likewise those in market when they have tasted a product and see it efficiently they try also to tell the consumer there customer how wonderful and good the products really are and should be tried by them as it has been tasted and likewise trusted. As musicians also people might work with sentiment based on the musicians involved especially if the people are really the fan . Buut it should not always be like this and should be the way round as people who do well would receive their accolades for job well done.
The life is really full of ups and downs but in all we have a Faithful God that is more than our problems, trails and tribulations i n Life. This steadfastness is one attribute that we really need as individuals to have in life. We hold still for that moment and hope for the Best in which by God's Grace and Favours would must surely come our ways. Being adamant in one thing and being in view tgat the one that would come would indeed be very very better for us all. One thing is that things might go wrong but when they do how do we tackle them? Our ability to tackle it is also an approach is also an important thing and we on the other hand should do that very well 馃檹.
Grateful 馃檹 for Everything in which the good Lord has done, is doing and will continue to do for us all Always. Sunday Blessings 馃檹 wishing you all the best. In this great day we are encouraged to prepare the way for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 馃檹. He is coming again in glory and we should always make straight his ways in which he would enter from. What great deeds the Lord has worked for us ! Indeed we are Glad 馃檹. Like the psalmist sang we are all joining in proclaiming all the great and mighty things in our Lives and our families in which he has, is and will always work for us all Always and indeed we are always happy and glad.
When people fail it might tends to get to them as if all is finishing they might really feel that the worst has happened to them. Indeed to me all are part of the success stories in which we all by God's Grace and Mercy will testify one day. Nobody no matter what would always like an atom failure in life people might not even want to hear it talk more of it coming to them. We might always want to be on the perfect side at all times but we might also see ourselves at tge other path.
What is that ? It is a rhetorical question in which i might ask myself and who indeed do i now expect to put down an answer for me. Looking and seeing all the things in this live one might ask the question. Image sourceWhen you come to education one indeed might attain the highest level to be a professor but might also be not satisfied in some areas. Money is thing people might really wish and might do things in other to get but also along the line we might see those that has thousands of things and might even billions but still not ok. One thing again is that , that in which was individual might be another man least that what might giving you great headache might even be in the budget of another person. The level seriousness you give the thing might not be that in which another might give that particular thing in the sense that it really matter or matter less to the other person. What might be a problem to one might not be to another but in all in which we are doing we are doing for ourselves as it might be what matters to you. That is kne thing that is to you and we should always try to know how to work towards them although it might not really be very easy to us all as individuals.
We all know of this saying of A family that eats together stays together of a Truth in as much as we are family members we should always bond together as brothers and sisters staying together and doing things together with people really makes us to begin to have thees bond and togetherness with them. Also it might be applicable to our families we really ought to communally do things together to really help us all in togetherness always. One thing that is very good to do together is Praying to the Lord Almighty. Another is Eating together. It is really amazing and should always be encouraged and done by us all. There is this bond that is necessary by we all and of a truth it really should be encouraged by we all as people that comes from different families.