2 days of the most chill crowd I‘ve ever witnessed, the comic con people are a bunch of very very fun peeps. My wife and I built our booth on Friday and we started selling on Saturday morning.
Of course I used the time when I was not at the booth to take photographs. I took the portraits of many people and I will not share them all because that probably would burst the limit of a HIVE post.
Wherever I know who is on the pictures I will try to link their instagram so you can follow and like their stuff over there too.(edit I will add these at a later point because I left the businesscards and contacts in my bag.
For the title image I took a pic of the Austrian Postal Service who came with their newest crypto stamp and a limited edition comic. Only 2000 of these comics have been printed and I was lucky to secure 1 of the last 300.
I went exploring a lot and one of the coolest spots I found was the table top games associations booth. They had many awesome games you could try for yourself and I would post the rest tight after but during the upload all images got mixed through. I will continue the story when we get to the images.
These two had very good cosplays and their make up looked absolutely professional.

this little guy landed straight from Tatooine and he wanted to trade some gummies for my camera. I told him I couldn‘t make the trade but took a portrait and also got a business card.
One of the best cosplays of an Overwatch Character Junkrat. Very good costume and I know for a fact that more than 200 hours of work went into this costume.
Find this amazing cosplayer Melina on instagram
A call of Duty cosplayer and a little Jawa of Tatooine.
This cosplay contains hundreds of feathers for the wings.
Overall a very nice costume and I have no freaking clue what universe this character is from. You can let me know in the comments if you know.
The scarecrow from Batmans universe looked amazing and all the parts where DIY. Check out more of this dude on instagram:
Welcome to the dark side my fren! Eat some lightning!
Two mad hatters are better than one! As it is with beavers and beers too.
3 chainsaws are better than one. If you can tell me what universe this character is from I would really thank you, just write it in the comments!

One of the coolest ideas I saw on Comic Con was this cosplay from Dune
Again I have 0 plan from what universe these 3 ladies come from. One is for sure: big sword.
Cool trio with a mad hatter and two creatures I do not know.
An back to the table top games and this amazing dpace battle that contains a bunch of rules and seemed quite complicated. It lloks very cool though and Iwanted to try it but did not have the 90 minutes for a battle.

This is the Hungarian Divison of the Starwars cosplayers Bad guys foing good. Together with the Austrian and Polish division they collected for the St. Anna childrens hospital.
Again a cosplay I have no clue about but this looked so professional, you can visit her on IG maybe you will find some more cool pics:
Star Wars was a very popular choice of costume, and I do understand why, because its awesome.
R2D2 and the other robots where all fully remote controlled and their owners drove them proudly through the venue.
Of course this is my fav. The Dude himself, Big Lebowsky was also at the comic con.
Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, one of the most accorate costumes on the con.
This family completely dressed in Mario world outfits was super happy that I took their picture.
And again back to the tabletops, but I forgot how the game was called. The love to detail is amazing though.
The pink bloody couple was super cool in their costumes and they even posed for me. That was pretty amazing.
Jurassic Park was also a popular cosplay. I gotta say though the costumes must be super hot inside. One of them came a little closer and the smell of sweat coming my way was overwhelming.
Call of Duty cosplay brothers and sisters from Germany and Austria.
They where there in pretty bug numbers and their costumes and weapons looked super real.
Well I hope you enjoyed this little trip through the Venna Comic Con 2024. As always thank you for your time and attention. If you liked this post feel free to share it. Please leave a comment if you feel like it.
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