I'm the solar super mama. I live in Belize with three of my four kids. I help homeowners switch to solar, and I write stuff.
Monkey River Town, Belize
She stood amidst the smoldering fire. She was wearing her fireproof boots. I mean, of course she was. She was always prepared. Others had called her paranoid, but they don't anymore. Well, no one says anything at all anymore.
My response to freedomtribe's truth challenge. Really love this one. It brought up a lot for me on a topic I think about a lot. There are many terrible lies in our world right now. I mean, how do we even pick from the vast mound of garbage we are fed? I want to focus on the multitude of lies we tell about children and parenting. Lies about birth, babies, their needs, and motivations. Then the load of awful parenting advice to leave babies to cry, to punish toddlers viciously, to force them to go against their natural instincts, to shove unnecessary crap in their mouths and brains. Then the tragedy that is modern education. It's hard to even know where to start. It's just all wrong. It doesn't follow anything we know about how kids learn or even how to maintain basic psychological health. Then somehow it's all the kid's fault when they have no clue how to manage their lives after being told what to do every minute of every day for 18 solid years.
Which came first? The chicken or the egg? I have no freaking clue, and I think it's an impossible question. This week's @ecotrain qotw is a similar kind of question, but it's maybe a little easier to answer. "DO OUR EMOTIONS DICTATE OUR LIVES OR DO OUR LIVES DICTATE OUR EMOTIONS? DISCUSS"
We all know how passionate I am about kids and their rights and freedom. It's my thing. You know, everyone has something they get passionate about. For me it's kids and education. When we first started the school we had in Asheville, I was sort of surprised that we attracted certain types of parents. One that surprised me a lot was the ultra permissive parent. I guess it was easy to mistake the philosophy of our school for that. After all students were allowed to do what they wanted all day long.
This is for the ecotrain question of the week about what the unconscious mind is and what it does.Last summer I left yet another long term relationship. He's the father of my two youngest children. We were together for roughly 7.5 years. I really can't begin to describe how positive this decision was. I'm so much happier, so much freer. The relationship was super toxic.