Splinterlands AMA Replay May 28th, 2021 - Special Splintershards Edition

Replay of the AMA with the Splinterlands founders, recorded on May 28th 2021, focused on the release of Splintershards - The Splinterlands Governance token. (Timestamps included)
Replay of the AMA with the founders of the Splinterlands blockchain game, recorded on May 28th 2021.
This is a special AMA in which players could ask questions about the recently announced Splintershards - the Splinterlands Governance token, that will be released soon. Read the announcement here.
This is the replay of the 2nd out of 2 AMA's about this brand new development. You can watch the replay of the AMA that was held on May 27nd here.
(Thanks to @channelmagnetic for recording the first one.)

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*Note: The size of the video in this post makes the text on Discord a bit hard to read. Visit the video on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/2h-LbhdyM0g) for a more clear view. (Warning: don't use the 'full screen'-option, because the text will be blurry. The regular size on YouTube, however, works just fine. Just click the YouTube logo at the bottom right of the video to go to my YouTube channel to watch the replay in decent quality.)*
Timestamps to guide you through the video:
(These timestamps are clickable on the
site for easy navigation.)

1:35 Intro about the SPS - The Splinterlands Governance Token

20:36 For the higher staking entry tournaments can you give us an idea for the required amount of "staked SPS" and prize pool for the new tournaments?

21:52 With Airdrop points can we just multiply X times .00022 where X = Collection Power to see our daily earnings?

25:48 How much of the 3 Billion SPS do you plan on being burned in the first year or two or 5?

27:37 Do all land plots have to be claimed when land is revealed or can they be unclaimed and treated akin to unopened packs (unrevealed land)?

29:19 Will the SPS tokens be tradable as soon as they are released in July? If they are not tradable on BSC or H-E yet, will they be transferable between players? If they are tradable, will the team be supplying liquidity to begin with ?

30:30 Is there an estimate for the total number of points in existence right now so we can start calculating our approx % holdings?

31:18 Will there be a way for players to convert SPS into DECs easily from within the game? Especially for non-crypto players

32:19 Will potions count towards the assest count for airdrops?

32:51 Won't this system mostly allow the whales to keep on whaling, and give them even more power than they already have. After all, they will have the most tokens, so they will have the biggest influence (in the DAO stuff).
I'm worried that once again all of this will benefit the top of the foodchain, and that the effect on the smaller/new players will be minimal.

39:04 Will it be possible to 'downvote' proposals? I mean, a way to counter the votes for it if you don't agree? Or does a new, opposite proposal need to be submitted?

40:16 Interview with Andrew, one of the new investors in the game.

56:31 Will dormant accounts be part of the initial SPS airdrop? Will accounts need to have purchased the Spellbook in order to receive the initial SPS airdrop?

58:44 Are there any plans to discount the land again with a payment partner?

59:24 How many monsters will be needed per land/tract/region to defend/harvest/use/etc?

1:00:01 Related to land and tokens: do we have tokenomic information? How will tokens be distributed? Will it be passive or needs to be interactive (owner has to be actively involved, etc)?

1:01:14 Pools are waiting until land distribution to split up regions. Will that happen before the airdrop?

1:02:19 Can a proposal increase the amount of SPS Token?

1:04:35 Will the distribution of sps over the coming months and years have variables that will be changeable by governance system itself?

1:08:06 Any thoughts on “fusion cards” (combining 2 different cards in the same splinter) in the future to repurpose some of the high circulation and lesser used common & rare cards?

1:08:45 Will there be another kickstarter or large presale in the future for chaos or a we passed those?

1:10:03 Do you need to pay the BSC gas fees to vote? Or will there be a way to vote on hive/splinterlands.com for free?

1:10:41 I notice from Neal's calculator that DEC staked in LPs is weighted 2 times for the airdrop - does that include Dec staked in Cub?

1:11:58 Is July realistic for this?

1:12:57 What happens if the community is 50/50 split on a proposal?

1:13:51 Can you transfer airdrop tokens? Will they be on splinterlands and free transfer transactions?

1:14:03 Can cards get their stats changed after they are released due to this voting system?

1:16:50 Will Private investors be participating in governance votes on Dao and game decisions. Will splinterlands team be doing that as well?

1:19:50 SPT utility has been mentioned a few times for future purchase of cosmetics. Any thoughts on adding it in the short term with the current skin set, which hasn't seen much take up?

1:20:38 Can it be set up so that different types of proposals would require more than a simple majority vote?

1:21:27 How much weight do you think the existing community will have in voting proposals relative to new investors?

1:23:53 In other DAOs, I've seen situations where only a small amount of token holders actually vote, making it difficult for proposals to pass. Will there be configurable thresholds requiring some minimum amount of votes in order to pass something, or will it be just a straight up % of the votes for vs against?

Is there a going rate for sps on investor side?

Will there be transparency about the private sale and private partnership allocations once everything is set in place?

I hope you got some interesting info out of this AMA and will tune in again next week.

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Disclaimer: This video and the timestamps were originally published on my own YouTube Channel - (please subscribe)

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.*
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