Splinterlands AMA Replay May 21st, 2021

Replay of the AMA with the Splinterlands founders, recorded on May 21st 2021.(Timestamps included)
Replay of the AMA with the founders of the Splinterlands blockchain game, recorded on May 21st 2021.
During this AMA, any questions about the current mechanics or future plans can be asked and they are answered by the Splinterlands founders to the best of their knowledge. The AMA's are a way to share ideas, get updates, give feedback etc. on things that are happening or are going to happen some time in the future.
If you want to join the most popular blockchain game at the moment and become a part of the amazing community, do not hesitate to sign up through this link:
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*Note: The size of the video in this post makes the text on Discord a bit hard to read. Visit the video on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/95gNPCYHFP8) for a more clear view. (Warning: don't use the 'full screen'-option, because the text will be blurry. The regular size on YouTube, however, works just fine. Just click the YouTube logo at the bottom right of the video to go to my YouTube channel to watch the replay in decent quality.)*
Timestamps to guide you through the video:
(These timestamps are clickable on the
site for easy navigation.)

0:57 What are the plans to address the BSC node instability?

1:50 Would you mind to give us a tiny hint regarding the now announced announcement of the announcement that is both correct and misleading?

3:19 Is there a multi-year roadmap in which SL would be available under consoles?

4:32 Can you narrate a bit more on the plot, tract, or region reveal process to a location on the land map?

6:12 If SL were to put up a full-featured and in-game card market (i.e. full depth order book on bids and asks) would that trigger KYC & AML regulatory complicance, given that SL community hits enough scale to be applicable under government rules?
If not, why not put one in, you already provide the ask side of market.

9:14 Are there any future plans to reward SL community members in DEC when they put up a game server/SL node to support larger scale on game play?

10:33 There has a been a lot of fraud within liquidity pools in general recently, especially on the binance smart chain with people exploiting the code. Can you go into how involved the team is with the DEC/BUSD liquidity pool? How confident is the team that the code has been checked for bugs and for any other types of exploits that can lead to fraudulent activity? Are there are reassurances, and/or insurance should something happen?

12:12 Could a poorly managed Castle affect earnings performance on a well managed Keep in that Castle's region?

15:08 Regarding keeps/castles, suppose someone owns 2 regions and has 1 castle in each one. Will it be better to invest resources equally in both castles or should they focus on just one or does it even matter?

16:49 Will DEC be listed on exchanges?

19:17 Development updates

26:21 Have the rarity chances been determined yet for when we unpack our Land? Same as untamed?

26:49 How are tournaments on mobile coming? This has been a feature that I recall many have been wanting for a while. How are the mobile numbers looking in general?

28:52 How have the mobile reviews been?

29:10 Number crunch (signups, spellbook sales etc.)

31:12 Any new partners that will be there at Dygycon?

32:23 @Kira1995 did a pretty elaborate analysis and post about how the ratings change (removal of +3 point minimum for Bronze and Silver leagues) ends up hurting human players more than bots because the bots typically get matched with higher rating opponents (since they are not typically matched with low rating bots). When do you plan to revisit this?

34:06 Any idea of how many of those new players stick around for longer than 2 months or so?

35:42 What are the devs excited about?

42:56 When is the next AMA?
Special AMA - Thurs, 5/27, 8 PM ET
Regular AMA - Fri, 5/28, 9 AM ET

46:33 Should we have any type of currency ready to go (for the announcement)?

52:40 Is another UltraHorrors promo coming?

52:56 And what about the horror tourney?

53:27 How and when will the big announced be announced?

54:32 Is there any way to turn off notifications for the brawl when I've already submitted my team?

I hope you got some interesting info out of this AMA and will tune in again next week.

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Disclaimer: This video and the timestamps were originally published on my own YouTube Channel - (please subscribe)

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.*
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