Splinterlands AMA Replay April 30th, 2021

Replay of the AMA with the Splinterlands founders, recorded on April 30thth 2021.(Timestamps included)
Replay of the AMA with the founders of the Splinterlands blockchain game, recorded on April 30th 2021.
During this AMA, any questions about the current mechanics or future plans can be asked and they are answered by the Splinterlands founders to the best of their knowledge. The AMA's are a way to share ideas, get updates, give feedback etc. on things that are happening or are going to happen some time in the future.
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*Note: The size of the video in this post makes the text on Discord a bit hard to read. Visit the video on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/SK6q-IVXWOA) for a more clear view. (Warning: don't use the 'full screen'-option, because the text will be blurry. The regular size on YouTube, however, works just fine. Just click the YouTube logo at the bottom right of the video to go to my YouTube channel to watch the replay in decent quality.)*
Timestamps to guide you through the video:
(These timestamps are clickable on the
site for easy navigation.)

1:49 Open for slight interpretation as some are questionable; but with my count of all the summoners 6 are looking left, 6 center, and 29 are looking to the right. My question is, what is over to the right that is causing everyone to look that way when they get their photo drawn?

2:35 I know expanding novice to 3 (or at least 2) leagues is not a priority right now and that it would need a lot of rebalancing, but I would argue to move it up on that priority list to make the experience for those who are just starting out a lot more fun.
Meanwhile, it might be an idea for the devs to put in a lot more mediocre bots with starter decks that play in bronze 3/2 than they currently have (I mean bots that don't take anything from the reward pool), so these new people don't get the feeling that they're already drowning after 2 days of playing, and leave.

4:53 Why aren’t we still listed / categorized on coinmarketcap into NFTs?
Do we have more real player as bots?
How many new players are we getting per day/week? Is the base of real players growing faster then the bots?

7:47 What is SL's official position today regarding future reprints, restricted lists, etc?

9:48 I noticed earlier this week that delegatees can enter tournaments with an entry fee of up to 1000 DEC with the posting key alone - i.e. without permission of the owner. I would really like to see that amount reduced again

12:32 The last real Splinterlands-Lands update was on Oct 17 2020. When can we expect new update?

13:47 In the last 6 months we got more then +1000 new players. Will the marketing model continue ?

14:58 Why is botting legal here?

19:02 Can we have a setting to accept a win by surrender or not immediately. It is annoying when doing a quest to be selecting the required cards and then get the win before submitting for the quest because you don't get the quest win awarded. Actually it might be better to require team submission to get the win, in some cases there could be a double surrender, which isn't possible at present.

19:56 When will the card lock option be available?

20:40 Can we have some of the weekly tournaments be normal tourney style or best 2 of 3 instead of 1 of 1?

21:11 Since Alpha cards are becoming very expensive and rare.. Can we have higher prizes for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Alpha tournaments?

22:45 How is the growth looking, number of daily signups spellbook purchases etc also any plan on extra marketing in the future?

23:11 Why do we have diamond league with similar card limits as champions' league? Why not edit the summoner limits to inbetween gold and champion? Can this be looked upon?

25:11 Someone said there is work being done to be able to stake cards on R-Planet. Any news on that?

25:51 When is the mobile version going to be fully operational?

27:13 Why does the brawl system reward cowardice and punish those wanting to fight at the higher tier? This seems counter-intuitive and against the spirit of brawling for the glory of combat.

33:50 Update on the next phase of guild brawls.

36:55 How's the announcement of the big announcement going? Any news yet?

37:43 Can more filter/sort criteria be added for battles.

38:06 Regarding brawls, you get crowns by winning. However if you play in a gold foil tier, you might not have a lot of opponents and therefore not the possibility to win a lot. Would it makes sense to award a win to a individual if there is no opponent?

40:51 Champ is able to play d1 until 3 days left for liquidity reasons. Is it possible to to limit the +3/-36 when we play a d1 player above 3700? I feel like it's a disadvantage to champ, and an exploit for diamond ranking. Top diamonds get high rank points when beating lower champ players and can avoid the -36/+3 tough climb at the top of a league, making it hard for all diamonds in the last 3 days to come close to early ranked play.

42:05 Is it possible for a small bonus for getting a perfect win?

43:00 When voice quips?

43:25 General thoughts on how the game is doing and how the future looks like.

45:30 Aggroed mentioned something about NFT shops for tribe tokens coming soon. Could you elaborate on that?

46:55 Update about the next DYGYCON event and the upcoming documentation for the game.

49:49 Have there been any recent complaints regarding Bronze match liquidity since the anti-flee measure was put in?

50:40 When we can get rewards for diesel pools?

53:45 When next AMA?

I hope you got some interesting info out of this AMA and will tune in again next week.

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Disclaimer: This video and the timestamps were originally published on my own YouTube Channel - (please subscribe)

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.*
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