Silvia Beneforti

Creative woman/ artist

Joined in 01, 2017
· 4 days ago

Hello hivers, an happy Tuesday to you all! Yesterday in the afternoon I was reading some different interesting contents here on Hive. Contents where hivers wrote their thoughts in different fields, their memories from the past, the books they read, their daily life. I like so much to read different kind of contents and the thoughts that people here use to share with us from different parts of the world. I think it's an awesome way to know people who lives in countries so far from us, to know different cultures, history of different cities, ways to live, dreams and feelings. Thoughts similar our thoughts, but it's interesting also to read about thoughts different from our thoughts. A place where to exchange experiences and stories just sitting in front of our screens, respecting each others. Here, since months, I use to share my artworks and just some little things about my life and my thoughts, but it's just because I'm trying to focus myself on my art more than I can. Sure, it's my job and so I spend the most part of my daily routine on it, but for me it's also a cathartic way to fight against all the bad news I read or watch around. I'm not so young and so I'm perfectly know that the world is not always an awesome world (it never was!). Along the time, with more years on my back, I became more sensitive to bad news on the tv (or on line) and so I feel the need to have a sort of peaceful corner where I can relax my mind. Art, for me, is that peaceful corner and so I like to share it with you. ❤️
