I guess the best way to describe the weather, AND the Crypto markets is “Unsettled”!😮
Back home, Adam my Beekeeper neighbor, has been slowly unwrapping his Bee hives gradually as the weather conditions gradually improve!🐝
I stepped closer to the VERY active Bee hives to try and get an up close and personal photo………….
Dozens of Bees came out to greet Silvertop!😇
If you remember my last post about “Bees” you will probably remember that Silvertop is severely allergic to Bee stings!😳
I have to ask….. Who would really want to be stung, even if they aren’t allergic Lol!😇🤣
The Mrs has an amazing camera on her iPhone! You can snap photos from a far distance and it looks like you are standing right next to your subject!🥰
Silvertop’s iPhone camera needs to be very close to capture the same photo……
More Bees came out to greet me, I stepped slowly backwards !😮
Liz was back at home, perhaps she should have leant her sweet hubby her iPhone for today’s Bee photo shoot Lol!🥰
“PEPE, it’s always best to be calm and patient, and think things through before making quick decisions you might regret ”!
“Silbertop, dis good advice fer Bees, and Bitcoin…….Man!”🐸
“That it is my green friend!”
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
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Daily Activity, Hiking, House Chores