
Joined in 06, 2017
· 7. July 2024

A beautiful day outside today, the kind of day that was great to go out for a drive with the wife. We drove through the little town of Hensall going towards Lake Huron and I saw this neat looking old school cop car and of course I had to pull over and check it out, the wife was like "what on earth are you doing Shaun??" and I just laughed. It says JFA CIA on the side of the car. The parking lot where the car was, was all dug up and empty, I remember when there was a variety store here. One day, when I was 17, so like 28 years ago, my friends and I were driving in my car, on are way to a punk rock show, I believe Good Riddance was playing in London that day. Suddenly the urge to use the washroom hit me like a ton of bricks and also felt the urge to look for Jolt Cola and buy some Joe Camel cigarettes, back then you were able to buy cigarettes from the USA. We stopped at this spot, the eerie looking variety store on the side of the road. We decided to take our chances. As we entered the store, a strange feeling washed over me. The dimly lit aisles and the musty smell in the air made me shiver. I made my way to the counter where a man stood, hunched over like the hunchback of Notre_Dame. His eyes were dark and sunken, and his crooked smile sent chills down my spine. I mustered up the courage to ask him if there was a washroom I could use. He looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes and pointed towards the back of the store "Second tree on the right," he said with a sly grin I thought he was serious at first, I looked over at my friends and they had a puzzled look on their faces. But then the man burst into laughter, his cackle echoing through the pretty empty stores. "The washroom is just around the corner and inside the store" He said. I made my way to the washroom, and to my surprise, I found a clean and well-maintained washroom. After I went to the washroom, I couldn't find any Jolt Cola, but I was able to buy some Joe Camels. As My friends and I drove away from the variety store we couldn't stop laughing about the variety store experience. Now I just stand here in an empty property with a old school police car and all the memories of what this place used to be.
