Ruth Adebayo

Caterer🎂|| crypto enthusiast ||blogger✍️|| digital expert💻🌎


Joined in 03, 2023
· 22. May 2024

Hello, everyone! Please, we urgently need your assistance to complete the dialysis and treatment for this week, enabling us to proceed with the kidney transplant scheduled for next week. This is a post that should have been posted since monday but everything has really been hard on me, the same monday we got an appointment with the agent and lawyer in charge of the property giving a good news of getting a buyer already, we've made a progress by selling the property for $7,200, we still require an additional $3,950 to cover the total cost of $11,150 for the transplant. The little $ you can donate now specifically for the transplant will go a long way, also considering the numerous promises from people with no time we're hopeful and confident that we'll complete the remaining $4,000 by next week. But if possible we couldn't get the money completed to $11,000 by next week the dialysis have to continue, so please your help, suggestions, referrals to get this money completed might change all the story and help my mom to stand on her feet again. This is the third week in Etta hospital and we've been experiencing drastic changes, this shows that using a few more weeks here might get mom to her feet again. In case you didn't read my previous post about my mom being diagnosed with a kidney disease and some traces of anemia which result in edema. She was in Ilorin before we brought her to Lagos for better treatment. She goes through three sessions of dialysis per week which cost $60 and anemia treatment with subcutaneous erythropoietin stimulating agent which cost $25, though there is some little rise in the price of the dialysis. I sincerely and humbly appeal to everyone for support in raising the necessary funds for my mother's treatment for the third week. You can check it out in the medical report from the Consultant nephrologist below Last week felt like the longest and most hectic ever ‘cause I tried staying more active online to work on replies to appreciate those who generously made a donation but it proved to be a daunting task.
