Sema Rekha

Super Iconic girl, something special


Joined in 01, 2022
· 22 hours ago

Friends, Happy Friday everyone.Today started with a beautiful and bright environment, with clear heat of the sun spreading around and feeling quite warm. However, it is not possible to say whether such an environment will remain for the whole day, because now it is rainy season and it may start raining again.However, today I will share some fascinating scenes of a different nature. Although I captured the scenes at the end of the day, because the moment before the sun goes down, nature's magnificent red-hued atmosphere attracts everyone's attention and spreads fascination in everyone's heart. A different kind of love develops for those scenes, and I always try to enjoy these scenes.That's why I like to travel or walk near nature in the latter part of the day, as well as being in nature at the beginning of the day when the sun rises. Because both times the surrounding scenery is quite interesting and nice to enjoy.The closer we get to see nature and its beautiful moments or the deeper we try to understand nature, the more our attraction and love for nature will increase tremendously. And if we all could do this regularly, then maybe we would try to keep the surrounding environment more green and beautiful due to the love of nature. But in our case the opposite happened.So we enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature but do not play any role in preserving the vitality of nature. However, I try to be surrounded by beautiful scenery as much as I can. Try to present the correct subject.*Check out today's scenes, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of nature. The sun was on the other side of the road I was walking on, I tried to capture the beautiful moments one by one from t

· a day ago

Friends,The day started with a very beautiful environment, the pure vivacity of the nature and the scenery of the nature seems quite mesmerizing. There is a nice combination of brightness with green. Today I will share some feelings arranged in the light of real life experiences, some thoughts can help us to organize our lives as well as some doubts can destroy our relationships.Life becomes happy and colorful when our relationships are beautiful and bright but sometimes our life becomes dark and gloomy, thoughts become corrupt and depressing. But why?sourceIn the reality of life we all expect something beautiful and happy, at the root of all our endeavors lies the dream of something bright and colorful. So why does our life become painful and sad, what works behind it? It is normal for such question to come up but if it does not then it is definitely something unusual. A little thought or effort will give you this simple and beautiful answer.A prerequisite for a happy and colorful life is a beautiful and strong relationship, this is my own view. Maybe you see something different, maybe you don't believe in the relationship. But what I am presenting is all from my real life experience. I am married and have two children. I am living a very happy life with my husband and children.Because I have no doubts, I have no doubts about married life, I am just as confident in the man I love. Beloved man is also faithful to me and has good character. I never thought anything beyond that, my needs were within my control, my love was within beautiful boundaries. So there is no third party coming in our relationship, due to which we are able to spend happy time.source*But if you look at your loved one with suspicion, if the word doubt enters your relationship, then your doubt will remain behind his every action and effort, success will be stuck there and at the end of the day, none of his efforts will succeed in your case. You will have a suspicion b

· 9 days ago
· 10 days ago

Friends, Happy Wednesday everyone.Today's day started with a beautiful environment but since it is rainy season now, it is natural that there will be no certain conditions of nature and environment. So suddenly after noon the environment changes and the sky becomes quite cloudy, followed by heavy rainfallI enjoyed the scenes of the rain in the car, to be honest I went out on an official errand, but in a different way and with a different feeling. Because that was the feeling of going anywhere by metro rail. Of course, I will try to share this feeling with you some other day. Today I will share some great moments of wet nature walk and some different photography.Have you ever walked in wet nature after rain? Ever enjoyed the feeling of fresh and wet nature? Ever tried to walk in the middle of the empty road in the rain, alone with the feelings and imaginations of the heart?The fresh nature after the rains becomes more green and beautiful and makes the surrounding scenes more transparent. The surroundings become much more deserted and empty. Because very few people go out in the rain. People don't want to come out much except for urgent need for fear of getting wet. Because people don't realize how to enjoy nature anymore, don't see the enchanting scenes of beautiful nature.But I love to be in the midst of wet nature, enjoying the vivid and beautiful scenery with fascinated eyes. Since I am now in the city, I may not get to see the pure scenery of the fresh nature as much but still I made the most of the opportunity. Today I took a chance to get off the metrorail and walk on the rainy road.*By the time I got off the metro rail, the rain had almost stopped but before that the nature and the roads had soaked, cleared the dust and made the roads much cleaner. But on

· 11 days ago

Happy Tuesday everyone, friends.Today started with a bit cool weather, the sky was a bit cloudy with some light rain but then gradually the sky cleared, sunny scenes were visible. Then the sky becomes cloudy again, still affecting the cool air. It is understood that today's nature and environment will be cloudy. Still I am expecting a dry environment.Today I went to super grocery shop, although super shops are not very popular in our country but they are becoming popular day by day in the city especially in residential areas. Many people try to visit different super grocery shops for all their daily needs. Due to which multiple brands are being established in the city.We have two super grocery shops opened in this area, I don't travel much but I went today because there is a super offer going on there now. Almost all super shops have various offers to attract customers. As the sky was slightly cloudy, I took no risk and went to Mina Bazar Super Shop today for the necessary purchases.When it comes to buying essentials, I never go wrong with two things, one is girl's favorite chocolate and the other is noodles. Instant noodles are very popular in our country at the moment. Because of which I bought packet noodles from the market every month. Although I don't buy much chocolate, I don't miss it when I go to the grocery store.Although newly opened, this outlet is quite big, since it is not very popular, this outlet has been opened in a slightly larger size to attract the attention of customers, inside it is quite large and has multiple brands of all products, so that no one returns without getting the desired product. It was a positive aspect, which would attract consumers of all brands.*I bought so many items over time, my voucher was so long. Also got a good discount

· 12 days ago

Friends, Happy Monday everyone.Today started with cloudy skies, with some light rain in the morning. But right now when I am writing the post nature is quite bright and clean. The presence of sun is also visible in the sky, but it is not possible to say whether it will become cloudy again because nature has lost its balance long ago.In fact, we are responsible for this, mainly because nature has lost its greenness due to destruction, nature is not as normal as it used to be. Our mentality and greed are responsible behind it, we may say it often and hear it through various channels. But still why we do not grow love for nature, why we are not trying to protect nature?Many such questions almost wake up in me but honestly no more, I have become dull by seeing the various scenes around and the festival of destruction of nature, I don't think about many things anymore because those who don't see these even from a responsible position, what can I do?Green nature and common reservoirs are no longer normal but are being filled with great enthusiasm in all areas, along with green trees bordering the roads are being cut down unnecessarily, as if there is a festival going on to destroy nature and destroy greenery. This is happening in front of everyone but no one is saying anything and no one is protesting.Yesterday evening I tried to walk for a while in the lively environment of nature, which I often do. But some scenes while walking deeply disappointed me, roadside trees being cut down and kept by the roadside. Reservoirs are being filled, various housing projects are being established, but no one is obeying the laws to protect nature.In fact, our needs and unpredictable mentality are destroying the natural state of nature, due to which the roads of the city are getting submerged when it rains a little more. If we do not protect the green nature or water bodies, our habitat will become more unsafe, we pretend not to understand and do not play a responsible role.![](
