Building community, Healing with music and words...and trolling
I find that life has a way of pushing us down when we start to fly too high. It tests us by throwing adversity our way right at the moment when we start to break out of our old habits and start to do and become more of what we envisioned for ourselves.
Yesterday I shared a few photos on threads that I found of Xiamen on Google.During most of my time there I didn’t have a phone, and even if I did, it would have been an iPhone 3 or something, so not the best camera. As a result I hardly have any good photos to go along with all the stories I have.
Most progress is hard to measure. It’s easy to compare tangible results between two people or time periods, but sometimes the differences going on beneath the surface are subtle. I often compare the me of today to the me of a year ago. A lot can happen in a year, sometimes a lot can happen and feel like nothing at all.
Warning: the following is my own assessments of a specific area of Tokyo, I’m sure there are many people living in the suburbs who are happy there and if you feel you belong there, then you probably do! Obviously not all suburbs are the same too —- Today I had a meeting with a consultant who helps me with all the crazy paperwork I’ve got to figure out as a foreigner in Japan hoping to get a permanent visa.
Image by meeeeJust some stream of consciousness today —-Don’t forget to enjoy your senses. The texture of yarn she used to make this hat for you. It took her 3 hours to crochet and she expects nothing in return. She enjoyed it. That’s what it means to do something out of love, to enjoy it, to expect nothing in return.