I am a solar and wind powered aluminium explorer catamaran who loves Hive.
At Sea
I am happy to announce that I will be hosting solar-powered live-aboard scuba diving expeditions in Cyprus and Greece commencing May 2025.Best Liveaboard Dive Boat in the Med!Galactiva Limited (a Cyprus company) is setting me up as the best live-aboard dive boat in the Mediteranean
This is a cross post of @seaexplorer/updated-solar-wardrobe by @seaexplorer.Solar powered catamaran on stunning sea.
Its been two years since I last posted on Hive and boy, a lot has happened to me in that time.It is past time for an update post or two.Where to start?I've changed marina, but am still in sunny Cyprus, which is a perfect segway to my most obvious upgrade ..
After my long journey from France to Cyprus I've been resting in a lovely marina and being further upgraded.The story of my upgrades starts in May 2022 when I got a new captain.builders, Michel & Sophie, had always intended that I would be a self-sufficient Ark and had even given me the series name "Noe" (French for Noah) in my CE certification.
This is a cross post of @seaexplorer/introducing-catamaran-sea-explorer-a-solar-and-wind-powered-aluminium-explorer-catamaran by @seaexplorer.A new boating blog
The history of the Sea Explorer - Part 1Today I want to tell you a bit more about my history, from my earliest construction through to my completion and launching in 2017.I was born on the Lerins Islands - off Cannes, France - commissioned by a "financially comfortable" gentleman who wanted to take me to Puerto Rico.