Hail to the Hive!
The Canal is often referred to as “The Cut” as it was literally cut into the landscape by hand , well many thousands of hands actually carrying shovels and picks. If you have watched “Peaky Blinders’ you will have heard them refer the “the Cut’ when talking of where to dispose of bodies and such like.
Well happily I didn’t wake up ‘in’ the cut but on it on our lovely little floating home , Cygnet.
And what a glorious morning…
I drank my coffee slowly, taking small sips and taking deep lung fulls of fresh cold, crisp morning air and soaked in the view while pondering my morning plans.
I needed to move the boat to the nearest waterpoint to fill up with fresh water. That was an easy one as it was only 5 minutes away on the other side of the bridge, and Cygnet isn’t a long boat so easy to spin around.
I couldn’t resist a B&W shot 😉
Once at the water point, which is at the top of Foxton Locks, I had another coffee and started to think about the online meeting I had scheduled for 11am. Every 2 weeks on a Thursday I have a meeting with all the other Asia Pacific Regional offices that work with the same Scuba Training Agency i do along with the guys at HQ in Florida.

Not far behind me I had seen a bench with a field of sheep behind it and thought it would make a fine spot for an impromptu mobile/off grid office.

Yup, definitely the way to go!
So after the water tanks were full I simply used the mooring ropes to pull Cygnet back about 50 meters or so and tied her up.
Then improvising with what I had,
A stool,
Tree stump i use for chopping wood,
Wooden Box,
I had the perfect height on which to place my i pad.
So all hooked up and ready. Time for one more coffee before the meeting starts at 11am
And that my lovely #hive friends was a slice of life on the cut. A morning of water filling, coffee and setting up for offgrid online office meetings.
As offces go, I’ve definitely had worse 😝