Hail to the Hive!
we have been on the move again and nothing feels better than being nomadic again on the water, it’s liberating. The weather has been ostly shit though, rain and wind and higher winds and more rain with a nice little storm blowing through which cut one of our traveling chugging along days very short.
Today though…..WOW! And for winter in England I’ll say again….WOW! Just beautiful. A real joy to behold and breathe in. So worth the effort to get up early and get chugging to make up for the hours lost the previous days due to shitty normal UK winter weather. Today = WOW
And I found myself butt steering on the tiller most of the day trying to capture images while on the move, narrowly avoiding crashing into the bank more than once. I have to though, it just has to be done as these images need to be captured.
This is famiiar territory to us but as always it felt different. The crisp clear fresh winter edge this morning brought with strong sun beaming down on occasion just made me smile and I could tell it had woven its magic on more than one sould we met along the way. The promise of summer being whispered to us from a winter sun. I hope it is not a promise broken, she is such a fickle thing.

I don’t know wheter it was the weather, the way I felt or just the boat engine but we seemed to make really amazing time today and more than exceeded our travel expectations and all done with a wry smile on my face. I was just happy. Unashamedly, simply happy. Chugging along, steering with my ass and taking photos. Hardly any boat traffic either. Man people wate these days, they are amazing days to slowly cruise along the canals. I love winter cruising.

And sharing with you all on the HIVE here is a big bonus. I love the feedback our canal life brings. A life afloat is a worthwhile endeavor I can ashore you, if you’ll pardon the pun 😉
Love a bit of #monomad 😜