Embrace it! It’s the only way


Hail to the Hive!

I’m a tropical person at heart. Give me a pair of flip flops and board shorts and the dilemma of which t shirt to wear every morning any day over the cold damp wet wintry shit that the UK brings.

and yet…..

Some mornings, despite how bloody cold it is I get hit like a fresh crisp slap in the face infused with a fresh clean aroma and boosted with adrenaline. Dare i say it…… yeah I kinda enjoy some of these bloody cold winter mornings. Ashamed to say it but errr yeah I do.
So I woke up, and yeah I don’t like that cold feeling, but the boats log burner smouldering from the night before had taken the edge off of things so I got dressed in relative comfort and then poked my head outside….

oooooh frostyyyyyy

Frosty but bright, fresh and ( inhales deeply ) invigotating. Fuclking smiling fiercely i stepped off the boat to take it all in and wander about.
It was early so there was nobody about, which first thing in the morning is bloody awesome, I am sure we all agree. Bright and clear, the air felt. Cold and FRESH. I thought ‘ this is so great ‘ and took a wander around to soak it all up before the sun rose higher and the temperature rose. I wanted to take in this morning momentarily in time. Some morningss can be so special. This was one of thise days and i recognised it as such.
I had felt so tired from all the stresses of life in recent months and yet on this morning I honestly felt as if I was being recharged, almost as if i were a power bank that had had its USB popped into the mains. I was powering up and i could feel it.
The photos were being taken on autopilot. I could see the angles and see the shots in my minds eye, and all the while I was smiling. I must hve looked unhinged, but it was great.
Just one of those morning ‘me’ moments. A teal moment in time you feel in every sensory way. Time passes slower, you become hyper aware. A beautiful feeling.
I must have spent 45 minutes wandering about the boat yard before somebody surfaced for work and caught be snapping away taking shots. If they were weirded out by me they didn’t say so or let on we just had a brief chat and they were off.
And then I thought’ brrrrr actually it’ fucking cold, let’s get back in and get some hot black coffee’. The awakening humans had broken the frosty morning spell that had enchanted me and now I was bac amongst the normality of things……bugger.
Ah well, it was a magical time while it lasted.
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