Crisp/Cold/Canal Monomad Morning - Monomad Challenge


Hail to the Hive!

Winter ain’t my favorite time of year to be sure to be sure but there is something to be said for the quality vibe it adds to Black & White photography.
Leaves being removed from trees giving them a skeletal quality you don’t get when they are sporting leaves. I crispness to the air that you can almost feel in the photos.
The greyness of the sky also has a more sombre vibe, or maybe it’s just me being miserable as my fingers and toes are cold. it could be actually now I think about it. I hate the cold 😃
And the sun sure isn’t warming me up any but it is at least causing a gentle layer of mist as the frost on the ground evaporates giving a lovely effect to the landscape beyond.
It doesn’t make up for a lot of the misery that winter brings with it but it at least gives me some nice images to capture.
Like the texture of this frosty boat roof. Glorious in Black and white don’t you think? Clearly there is nobody inside this one with a log burner lit or we wouldn’t be seeing this at all. It’s toasty warm in our boat and as you can see, no frost on da roof!! We do tend to try and keep the log burner going all day and night at this time of year. brrrrr on the outside and tropiccal on the inside. This is definitely the way.

Love a bit of #monomad 😜

See you next time

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