Troubleshooting QuickBooks Backup Error 1117: Causes and Solutions



QuickBooks is a versatile accounting software used by millions of businesses worldwide to manage their finances efficiently. However, like any software, QuickBooks can encounter errors that disrupt your workflow. One common error that users may encounter is Backup Error 1117. In this blog post, we'll explore what causes this error, its potential impact on your business, and how you can troubleshoot and resolve it effectively.

Understanding QuickBooks Backup Error 1117:

QuickBooks Backup Error 1117 typically occurs when there's a problem with the backup process. When you attempt to create a backup of your company file, you may encounter this error message, indicating that QuickBooks was unable to complete the backup operation successfully. The error code 1117 specifically points to an input/output (I/O) error, suggesting that there's an issue with reading from or writing to the disk where the backup file is being stored.

Causes of QuickBooks Backup Error 1117: 

Several factors can contribute to Backup Error 1117 in QuickBooks. Some common causes include:

  1. Disk-related issues: The error may occur due to problems with the disk drive, such as bad sectors or disk corruption.
  2. Insufficient disk space: If there's not enough free space available on the disk where the backup file is being saved, QuickBooks may fail to complete the backup process.
  3. Interference from antivirus software: Certain antivirus programs may interfere with QuickBooks' ability to write data to the disk, leading to backup errors.
  4. Network issues: If you're backing up your company file over a network, network connectivity issues or disruptions can also trigger Error 1117.
  5. QuickBooks file corruption: In some cases, corruption within the QuickBooks company file itself may contribute to backup errors.

Impact of Backup Error 1117: 

Encountering Backup Error 1117 can be frustrating and disruptive to your business operations. Without a reliable backup of your company file, you may be at risk of data loss in the event of system failure, data corruption, or other unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, recurring backup errors can lead to increased downtime and inefficiencies as you try to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Troubleshooting and Resolving Backup Error 1117: 

To address Backup Error 1117 in QuickBooks, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check disk space: Ensure that you have sufficient free space available on the disk where you're trying to save the backup file. Delete any unnecessary files or programs to free up space if needed.
  2. Run disk diagnostics: Use built-in disk diagnostic tools or third-party software to scan for and repair any disk-related issues, such as bad sectors or disk corruption.
  3. Disable antivirus software: Temporarily disable any antivirus or security software running on your system to see if it's interfering with the backup process. Be sure to re-enable it afterward to maintain system security.
  4. Backup locally: If you're backing up over a network, try creating a backup locally on your computer's hard drive to see if the issue persists. This can help determine if the problem is related to network connectivity.
  5. Verify file integrity: Use the Verify Data utility in QuickBooks to check for and repair any data integrity issues within your company file. This can help prevent backup errors caused by file corruption.
  6. Contact QuickBooks support: If you're unable to resolve Backup Error 1117 on your own, reach out to QuickBooks support for assistance. They can provide further guidance and troubleshooting steps tailored to your specific situation.


QuickBooks Backup Error 1117 can be a frustrating obstacle for users trying to safeguard their company data. By understanding the potential causes of this error and following the appropriate troubleshooting steps, you can mitigate its impact and ensure that your backups are completed successfully. Remember to regularly test your backups to verify their integrity and reliability, and consider implementing a comprehensive backup strategy to protect your business-critical data effectively.


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