[Writing Contest] Finish the Tale. Story #3 Option #1: The story starts...



I woke up to find a note on my pillow: "You have 24 hours." A cold sweat filled my forehead while I felt that my knees were losing their strength, I was feeling like everything was spinning around me and strong nausea completed the picture of symptoms...I was somatizing. And who wouldn't in these circumstances? Oh... sorry... let me clarify the situation by explaining its context: It had all started weeks ago, on a trip I had made to Sarisariñama, this magical land that is in the state of Amazonas, in Venezuela. There I had struck up a conversation with an enigmatic subject whose charisma captured me instantly. He told me many legends of the land we walked on. He spoke Spanish with a strange accent that revealed that it was not his mother tongue, however, although I asked him three times where he came from, the first two times he changed the conversation and the third time he answered: "That information has no real importance for you, and I don't like to give it. I am from Earth and I was born under the sky. Borders are invented by men and only their thoughts give them strength. They have been created to divide in a world where union is increasingly needed. I am an earthling... the rest is not important" I somewhat agreed with him and let him be without asking him about it again. I was on a tourism plan of only 15 days, due to a prize I had won, on the 13th I felt nostalgic because I did not want to leave the beautiful landscape "so soon" to go and lock myself up again in the concrete cell that was the city in which I lived. That afternoon, on the hotel terrace, while taking dozens of photos of a wonderful sunset, Ricardo told me: "I have a gift for you that you can accept or reject, but I myself advise you to accept. I can tell you that I don't want anything in return. I think it will be enough for me to continue seeing joy in your eyes." The gift was that I had paid in my name all my expenses at the hotel for the next 15 days and - since I would not be returning with the group with which I had started the tour - I had bought a return plane ticket for that date. An opportunity like that only comes around once in a lifetime...and I accepted the gift. A few splendid days followed and a kind of magnetic current was, little by little, bringing us closer to each other. One afternoon he told me: "I must tell you something..." I was a little afraid. What followed was amazing. In a few words he gave me a summary of my entire past life, the possibilities that would open up to me in my future life and what I was thinking at that moment. I did notice that when I opened up about my future it was very sparing... I asked him... I don't know why... if my life would be long or short. I saw a shadow in his eyes...almost of pain. He told me: "The important thing is that you live every moment to the fullest, without thinking about the past or the future. Enjoy the landscape while it is there, the people while it is there, every second while it lasts. And that's it." I asked him if, among so many things, he could predict the future. He felt, although he told me that the future was not predetermined in a single direction, that each following second responded to a range of possibilities, and, as in chess, that with a single move we varied all the certain possibilities of the game, in life, that with each act we made the possibilities of the future change. That the only thing in this sense that was predetermined was the day and time in which you would have to leave this world and that was certain regardless of where we were. I don't know why I insisted so much with him that he tell me the day of my departure. After my 15 extra days of vacation, the last night we were together and the only night we were intimate, he promised me that he would let me know shortly beforehand, wherever I was, when it would be my turn to "return to the sources" - it was the way he talked about death -. He said goodbye to me at the airport, with a big hug and whispered in my ear: "We won't be able to see each other again, but I will always love you intensely. And I will keep my promise."
That's why my reaction to this note, which exudes his fragrance and is written in his handwriting.
Me desperté y encontré una nota en mi almohada: "Tienes 24 horas". Un sudfor frìo poblò mi frente misentras sentìa que mis rodillas perdìan sus fuerzas al punto de desmayarse completamente, sintiendo como todo me daba vueltas y unas fuertes nauseas completaban el cuadro de sìntomas...estaba somatizando ¿Y quièn no en estas circunstancias?
Oh... perdón...déjenme aclarar a situación explcndo su contexto: Todo había comenzado semanas atrás, en un viaje que había hecho a Sarisariñama, esta tierra mágica que queda en el estado Amazonas, en Venezuela. Allí había entablado conversaciòn con un enigmàtico sujeto cuyo carisma me atrapò al momento. Me contó muchas leyendas de la tierra que pisábamos. Hababa el castellano con un acento extraño que revelaba que no era su lengua materna, sin ebargo, aunque le preguntè en tres oportunidades de donde procedìa, las dos primeras veces cambiò la conversaicòn y a la tercera me respondió:
"Esa informaciòn no tiene real importancia para tì, y a mì no me gusta darla. Soy de la Tierra y nací bajo el cielo. Las fronteras son inventadas por los hombres y solo su pensamiento les da fuerzas. Han sido creadas para dividir en un mundo donde cada vez màs se necesita la uniòn. Soy terrícola... lo demás no tiene importancia"
Estaba un poco de acuerdo con él y lo dejè estar sin volver a preguntarle al respecto.
Yo estaba en un plan de turismo de solo 15 dìas, debido a un premio que había ganado, el dìa 13 me sentìa nostàlgica porque no deseaba dejar el bello paisaje "tan pronto" para irme a encerrar nuevamente en la celda de concreto que era la ciudad en que vivìa.
Esa tarde, en la terraza del hotel, mientras tomaba decenas de fotos a un maravilloso ocaso, Ricardo me dijo:
"Te tengo un obsequio que puedes aceptar o rechazar pero yo mismo te aconsejo aceptar. Te adelanto que no quiero nada a cambio. Creo que va a ser suficiente para mì seguir viendo alegrìa en tus ojos"
El obsequio era que había cancelado a mi nombre en el hotel todos mis gastos por los próximos 15 días y - ya que no volvería con el grupo con el que había iniciado el tour - me habìa comprado para esa fecha el billete de aviòn de retorno.
Una oportunidad com esa solo se presenta una vez en la vida...y aceptè el obsequio. Siguieron unos dìas esplendorosos y una especie de corriente magnètica fue, poco a poco , acercàndonos el uno al otro.
Una tarde me dijo: "Debo decirte algo..." Tuve un poco de temor. Lo que siguò fue alucinante. En pocas palabras me hizo un resumen de toda mi vida pasada, de las posibilidades que se abrirìan ante mì en mi vida futura y de lo que yo estaba pensando en ese momento.
Sì notè que al abrir de mi futuro era muy parco... le preguntè...no sè por què... si mi vida seria larga o corta. Vi en sus ojos una sombra...casi de dolor.
Me dijo: "Lo importante es qu vivas a plenitud cada momento, sin pensar en el pasado ni en el futuro. Disfruta del paisaje mientras estè, de las personas ientras estèn, de cada segundo ientras dure. Y ya."
Le preguntè si entre tantas cosas podìa predecir el futuro. sintiò, aunque me dijo que el futuro no estaba predetermnado en un sola direcciòn, que cada segundo siguente respondìa a un abanico de posibilidades, y, como en el ajedrez, que on un solo movimiento vvariàbamos tdas las posibilidades certeras del juego, en la vida, qcon cada acto hacìamos que cambiraran las posibilidades del futur. Que lo ùnico en este sentido que estaba predeterminado era el dìa y la hora en que os tocarìa dejar este undo y eso era seguro independientemente del lugar en que nos encontràramos.
No se porque insistì tanto con èl de que me dijera e dìa de mi partida. despuès de mis 15 dìas extras de vacaciones, la ltima noche que estuvimos juntos y la ùnica oche en que tuvimos intimidad, me prometique me harìa saber poco antes, estuviera yo donde estuviera, cuàndo me tocarìa "regresar a las fuentes" - era la forma en que hablaba acerca de la muerte -.
Me despidiò en el aeropuerto, con un fuerte abrazo y me susurró al oido: "No podremos vernos màs, pero siemrpre te amarè intensamente. Y cumplirè mi promesa"
Por eso mi reacciòn ante esta nota, que despide su frgancia y està escrita con su letra.

Te invito a participar en este concurso. Adjunto link de la convocatoria, para que leas sus bases.
Felicito a @ecency-star por esta iniciativa que estimula la creatividad literaria.
I invite you to participate in this contest. I am attaching a link to the call, so you can read its rules.
I congratulate @ecency-star for this initiative that stimulates literary creativity.

El texto fue creado sin utilizar IA
The text was created without using AI
Foto propia tomada con celular Samsung J2 Prime
Own photo taken with Samsung J2 Prime cell phone
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