
Freelance writing, SEO, Citations, handicrafts, DIY hobbies, Coins

Canlaon City, Negros Oriental

Joined in 04, 2018
· 7 days ago

As I traversed this troubled world filled with surprises and uncertainties, I have crossed high and low waters to survive the cruelties of the people around me. I am a survivor! These challenges made me a strong person and I've strived to be what I am today. It was a tough job. I am now at the height of my life's cycle, tired and weary, willing to face the morrow. I had my share but looking back, I thought of the people who have been part of my life, where my axis revolve around them, same as theirs revolve around me. They are the center of my universe! They were the wind beneath my wings, we hold on to each other unconditionally. At this point in time, doubts and melancholic thoughts came rushing into my mind as I glanced at the photos of my two departed kids,tears rolling downy cheeks. Things would have been different if they were still around. This time, I had my deepest fears. What if I never wake up tomorrow? It will be the greatest gift for me. It was my secret wish to the Lord Almighty to let me die that way for both sides not to suffer longer but nobody knows what's entailed for us all. The fear inside me was who will take care of me when I became an invalid, thinking that they're all working and I need to take care of my little grandson, carrying along my granddaughter Antonia who's only 15 hrs old just to let both ends meet, not financially but rather my care and moral support to my two daughters. Our nannies come and go. We were unlucky to find good ones. My youngest who's far from me told me not to overwork myself and that they, the couple should find a responsible caretaker. He said that they had taken care of their son without a nanny. I said that they still had his wife's family and relatives around the compound while we live in a subdivision with neighbours who are strangers to us. That's the big difference when you live in the city and your rural life where everybody knows everyone! I know that life must go on with or without me by their side. Today, I silently prayed for my family, for His guidance,for their well-being and safety at all times. Amen!@Sarimanok

· 17 days ago

Hello there ladies of Hive and to my readers here! I go for option no. 2 and that is how we celebrate for a job well done. Having raised 5 kids is not a joke but I am happy to be their mother.:) Now that they're all grown up, granny me has to do some tasks for them since they have their own works to do for their family. Hiring loyal nannies before are easier compared today because They're more "modernized" with the existence of these trendy mobiles that they tend to go overboard to the extent of neglecting their duty as what they're being paid for. I opted to take a close watch on them though we have a nanny who comes everyday and goes home every afternoon since she's a single mom with 3 girls. Antonia grew up with a nanny but we never spoiled her though others say I did. Lol! Anyways, she's a good girl so is my elder grandson whose dad passed away at the age of 32 when he was still a little kid. His mom is a head teacher making her busy all the time. I tried to fill the gap on their behalf and see to it that he won't miss the special events like closing programs when awards are also given to the deserving students. Antonia and her elder cousin 3rd, (Jesser lll) are some of the recipients and proud Lola never missed these events. They expect me to go up the stage to put on the medals on their necks! Luckily, they never missed it every year! They study in different schools though we celebrate their achievements for A-Job-Well-Done in one setting. We often go to our favourite restaurant. I see to it that each receive something from me in form of money or in kind. Since 3rdy is with her mom. I give him money sometimes so he can buy what he wants and I like him to celebrate it with her mom too.Giving gifts for their achievements is to give them more encouragement and inspiration to do better especially in their academics. Likewise, I also encourage the two to be active in their extra curricular activities because it will be a plus points to build up their personality.I got Antonia from her other Lola when

· 21 days ago

Hello everyone! Way back in the 1980s, I was busy sweeping the leaves of our mansanitas tree due to the strong wind the previous night. Suddenly, a farmer stood in front of our gate and he asked if I wanted to buy his orchids. I was amazed by it since it was the first time that I've seen such kind of orchid because the flowers looked like a pitcher! It even has some covers on top! My sister in-law bought it anyway.Fast forward, I was doing a research about the wild plants in Africa and I switched to carnivorous plants. I found out that the Pitcher plant belongs to this species! So that was the reason why I found some ants inside!During the annual festival in our place, many peddlers would put up their stalls. There were different variations of orchids. A lady carrying plants approached me and she offered her pitcher plants to me, saying that she's selling it at a cheaper price since their boss is already calling them. I was also attracted to the plant which I had been looking for since wild plants in Mt. Canlaon is already prohibited.I bought it and placed it on top of our corner rack. Later on, I transferred it outside among the hanging plants to have a taste of real rainwater. I have observed that my plants seems to rejoice early in the morning after a night's rain. I recently bought a drawing kit and scanned my photo collection of the flowers in my garden. I decided to draw this beautiful but weird plant.The photo is my pattern but I don't like to make a replica of it. I want to follow my pulse the way I like it to make it as my own. That's my pattern.I m
