the weekend I'm waiting for

Hi community friends, how are you all? May you always be healthy and happy.
Weekends are long-awaited days. Because after six days of work with a lot of routine, the weekend becomes a day to rest, have fun, with family and friends.
This weekend my friend Yusni and I spent time together hanging out. After many days we became the committee for an event in our community. There are many obstacles when preparing our community events. The weather has been bad lately, to the point that the event we had already prepared had to fail and be postponed. And in the end the event went smoothly, even though there was a lot of drama in the implementation of our activities.

To treat our tiredness, we finally decided to go for a walk and our journey was quite far.
We spent our weekend at farmhouse Lembang West Java

A cool place with beautiful, calming views. A comfortable place with lots of flowers and plants there. The flower are very beautiful and lush. Look at the various flowers growing very abundantly there, but I don't know the names of the flowers there, I only know the names of some of them.

There is also a beautiful pine forest there. The atmosphere was calm so that our troubled hearts yesterday could be soothed by this beautiful, calming atmosphere.
Moreover, seeing the cute animals there, oh my gosh, it makes me so excited to see them. The rabbit houses are like in the world of teletabis, cute rabbits running around are really fun to see.

There are also cool iguanas. So calm the iguana didn't move, but I didn't dare hold it when the guard asked me to hold it. There are also cute sheep there. Wow..the sheep are so clean.It looks like they take good care of the sheep, so the fleece looks clean and cute.

We really enjoyed this cool and calm natural atmosphere. Even though there are many visitors, the atmosphere is still comfortable and pleasant, it seems like they are also enjoying the natural beauty. The building is made to feel like in the Netherlands, they say it is very beautiful.
Believe it or not, my friend Yusni and I wore the same clothes, even though I didn't promise to wear the same clothes. The only difference is in color, my clothes are bright black while Yusni's clothes are grayish. We laughed out loud when we realized that our clothes were almost the same.

My friend Yusni and I were completely able to forget the fatigue and chaos we felt yesterday. So far, we have always been successful in carrying out activities, but this time it turned out that we had to face failure, yes, although in the end the event went smoothly, it was full of obstacles in preparing for it.
And this beautiful nature can cure everything. This weekend is the most beautiful gift for us. Hopefully in the future we can do better activities. Problems are normal, but when we can face and solve problems that is extraordinary.
Happy weekend to all of us. Hopefully tomorrow we can carry out our work routine with more enthusiasm. regards
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