Epic Light at the Garden!?! 😃
- I just had to make some shots as the light was perfect!
Just check the epic shillouette of my girlfriend!
I did some shots of the flowers as well!
- Check it out!
- Spring / Early sommer is so epic!
Also some #soonripe Berries in the sunset!
- Of course there is a lot to harvest and process, and it looks beautifull!
This images where made in my garden with the smartphone, processed with lighteoom mobile, and uploaded to Hive only via
@ecency app.
It is my passion to view the world, and share it with likeminded people like you!
Gardening goes hand in hand with observing the world which every photographer does in his own way. Teach youre eyes they say, so here you see the results of a teched eye. One does not need the best equipment, the perspective and mood you catch is a artwork that has a lot behind it. I am talking about the experience it takes to get there!
With that said let me know youre opinion and share youre experience! What defines you as a photographer?
Stay happy and healthy beautifull people!
See you soon!