Chapter 4: Sam the farmer (electroculture/agriculture/permaculture wizard)

I became aware while writing the post on Chinese Horoscopes this week that my life has been divided into four clearly distinguishable chapters of 12 year periods, each of them in sync with the Dragon sign in which i was born. For the first 12 years of my life i mostly just absorbed the world, trying to find my place in it, excelling in art & communication. From the age of 12 magic became my thing. From the age of 24 making films captivated my imagination. From the age of 36 i began my spiritual journey and now at the age of 48 i am poised to become a producer of agricultural and electroculture products. Of course, there are cross-overs between all the categories as my spiritual journey never ends, i still do magic & art and i still make films but the pattern of finding a new subject to master, focusing on it for 12 years and then finding a new one is unmistakable.
This is because there is a heightened energy during the year of our birth animal which some people say automatically brings good luck, but i would say it isn’t as simple as that. More it is a year in which you are provocatively reminded of your animal sign to the point where ‘good’ or ‘bad’ things may happen to you as a Universal effort to get you back on track. Things only appear bad if you are not in sync with your animal and difficult changes may be forced upon you, just as it happened to me in 2013 after a decade of working on and off in the porn industry, i was forced to leave the UK on a spiritual journey, my French/Spanish Camino which led ultimately to Sabrina in Thailand. Had i stayed in London there is no way i would be nurturing this great family as i am now. Dragons can be solitary animals but they also like building teams around them to conquer new horizons together.
It is with this in mind that i am currently drawing towards me a suitable team for the outset of my next chapter, the fast creation of a food forest and alongside it a business which will sell a variety of products at the local markets including kale, rocket, physalis, amaranth and electroculture antenna. The food forest will be open for tours and education days on which people can learn the details of my wizardry and ultimately this land will become the first part of my legacy for Esteban & Luna. A forest which will produce food not only for them but also for their children.
I am days away now from setting up the first bank account in my name i've had for over a decade because this part of the world isn't ready to do transactions in crypto yet. Plus no doubt there will be some illegal law about having to use their dying fiat currency! The decision was easier to make knowing that for the last 12 (spiritual) years of my life the Universe directed me to terminate my relationship with the banking system and as i move now into the next chapter it is evident i am being directed to do something different. I say this because my brother in America is still waiting for me to give him a bank account with my name on it so that he can send me a little gift as a way to say thanks for a bitcoin investment tip i gave him back in 2018. Without my name on the account however let's just say the tax situation isn't a good one. In addition to this one cannot have a business these days without an official business account. It's the law Sam! So that too is something i need before i can 'legally' start selling stuff.
We are also days away from finding out if the land i have my eye on is available. I can feel the winds in my favour but remain open to being pulled in an unexpected direction by the Universe and won't be labelling anything as good or bad. I am still within the year of the Dragon until Jan 29th, so i still have time to start other projects too which will do much better as a consequence of having been started now. It is therefore my intention to re-enter the world of mainstream social media and build a profile around myself, but this time not so much as the fun loving time-lapse dude who now has a garden, but a dedicated professional here to share with you tips on agriculture, electroculture and permaculture.
Even the unfamiliar hair you can see on my face is part of the new chapter and new look for my upcoming re-appearance.
I am letting my wild man out of his cage basically, because he knows exactly how to deal with dragons!

Cold Water Medicine

Bitten by the cold water bug in the UK (swimming in a river in October with my family) i felt as if i wanted more so have been pushing myself in the shower to turn the water to full cold after i am done with the hot. For the first month i couldn't make it to full cold at all, but i noticed that as long as i pushed myself to try it every day i did in fact become more and more resistant to it. In this way, pushing bit by bit for a period of almost three months now i am comfortable to stand in the full cold water (after my hot shower) for a total of 1min 15secs. My head starts to become very painful after this point and am not 100% sure if this isn't damaging me? The water is actually just 13℃ but trust me it feels colder.
Inspired by my apparent bravery both my children have started doing it too. Here is Esteban who is up to 10seconds now.
Back in the UK a few months ago he was only able to get this deep in water which was the same temperature as our shower.
I am building myself up to take a daily shower in a secret section of our canal which appears to have been forgotten about by most because it is concealed behind this arch and to get there you have to wade through the water.
Coming directly from a river this water is much colder than the shower water (haven't checked temperature yet) but i have every confidence that it will quickly become a pleasure to stand under it each day and enjoy the benefits.
For one thing i feel less cold these days. It just doesn't seem to affect me like it once did and i feel sure this is down to the cold showers.
Sabrina & the children are all good, though perhaps a bit confused with my recent ups and downs. Here they are woking with their spirograph.
Making some excelling images with it.
Esteban dreamt two nights ago of building a house with his friends in the forest and then woke from his dream (or so he thought) went to school and asked his friends if they'd had the same dream as him. They declared they had and all of them trooped off to the forest to build the house they had all seen! There were other elements to the story involving an attack from an enemy of some kind but basically he woke from the dream feeling very confused about reality. Naturally he went to school that day and asked his friends if they had the dream? But they had not.
I explained to him that he has been practicing the art of remembering his dreams for over a year now so it has become second nature, but other people will never find it this easy unless they too have been practicing.
I simply love the way he dreams, this time a dream within a dream with some really interesting insights into the non violent solution he was able to find for the attacking people.

Frequency Medicine

We had a very sick cat recently. The first cat to be born in our family was this one so we have a fair bit of love for him, yet it was evident at the outset of the Summer that he was declining quickly.
He has been 99% better for over two weeks now so i can say with relative certainty that we have been able to cure him of a whole bunch of things, using mandalas, frequencies & homeopathy. All that 'conspiracy stuff' basically!
Mostly i have been running frequencies on Z-app through this amplifier. Here you can see me running 2374Hz which is the frequency to kill fleas.
So yes, using frequencies and a "Healthy Cat" mandala (as described in this post) i have witnessed first hand how one day his poop was full of large worms, but after running the flatworm frequency there were instantly none. Like they simply dissolved.
We killed the worms and the fleas, we cured the itchy rashes all over his body and most amazing of all we cured his stomatitis. This is a severe condition for cats which vets treat by removing all their teeth! He was dribbling all the time an intense smelly kind of dribble which went on everything. To eat was extremely painful for him and it was difficult to watch him as he was basically dying.
Yet today he is fine, no more than three months after dedicating myself fully to his recovery.
I do want to mention for cat lovers out there that we are also mixing home made apple cider vinegar & colloidal silver into his food, because while mandalas & frequencies are unquestionably effective they are more so when appropriate physical action is also taken.
So we were able to fix a cat with our wizardry but we were unfortunately not able to fix Rosita the chicken when she suddenly became sick and died within a few days, around a month ago. Here she is being buried with Luna's selected heart stone and her favourite seeds.
We are not sure why she died so suddenly but it could relate to eating rabbit poo so we have decided to build a new house for the rabbits before two more chickens arrive in a few weeks.
We are deeply sorry Rosita and will use this experience to make sure we never lose a chicken again 🙏

Garden Medicine

Here is the new rabbit house being created, using wooden shutters from our old home which is still being renovated.
At the front i am giving them more of a view into the garden with no wood, just bamboo.
It's a bit like modern art but the door does in fact work fine and all i need to do now is cover the whole thing with a net.
Just in front of the new rabbit enclosure are the three mulch mounds, still going strong.
So strong in fact that i had to stop and get Luna to take this photo which shows the ridiculous size of a castor plant, around double what i've seen on this land in the past.
Being this big the plant is acting like an antenna boosting the growth of everything around it, including this random cactus on a wall which seems very content.
Here is what an average lunchtime salad looks like directly after picking.
And here it is mixed with a tahini, garlic, lemon juice & olive oil sauce, along with some of Sabrina's amazing tart.
Am eating a lot of feijoa at the moment which is a new one for me. Incredible flavour, completely unique.
Our temporary home has a fireplace so we collect wood most days from the forest and the children have very much enjoyed this, taking the time to build wooden house.
We were in the clouds this day and their crazy little house looked quite spooky!
We've had a lot of rain these last few months so the mushrooms have been here in abundance.
These ones are called Cariolettes in Catalan (don't know the name in English or French!) and are extremely good.
Sabrina always does an amazing job cooking them up for me. These ones are called something along the lines of Milky Delicious (when translated directly from French to English).
Cooked with garlic and parsley they really are delicious.
Especially as part of a bigger meal.
Finally i just wanted to show you a few things in the garden which is holding up well to the cold.
It does help a lot to have this green house.
It never seems to drop below 10°C in there no matter how cold it gets outside.
Though i don't think that's enough for me to sleep in it yet! Need to increase the temperature by adding new compost for that to be a plausible goal.
The winter plants like these artichokes are looking fantastic.
There are many types of antenna everywhere, each supporting a different region.
Sabrina & i created these pea mounds one month ago.
And today the peas are just starting to poke their way through the mulch.
We have physalis all the way along the back of this garden but one still has to hunt quite hard to find the ripe ones which are not instantly obvious.
Incredible fruit. Five of these babies will power you for a good 20mins.
Here you can see the beans arriving behind the pyramid.
Borage leaves (and flowers) are getting eaten at the moment, the leaves can be steamed and taste a bit like spinach.
We have sorrel popping up everywhere, making salads very easy to compose.
With the kale, chard, parsley, chives, plantain, dandelion, sorrel, rocket, beetroot and likely some things i have forgotten, these are salads composed of high nutrition leaves, not lettuce or cucumber for example which do little more than add quality water to your body.
I leave you with a shot of the pyramid which is currently housing kale, sorrel, leeks, coriander and dill.
Looking forward to building a much larger one on a much larger piece of land next year!
Love & Light everyone 🌱
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