Identifying The Difference Between Starting A Business And Sustaining It



In the ever busy world of business, some people would prefer working for others while some would prefer working for themselves. Which ever we prefer, we've always known that having a personal business is better.
The tendency to manage every situation in a personal business gives the owner a 100% authority over every affair regarding his/her business.
The profits and losses that comes in are basically what a business owner should be able to accept, because he/she is incharge.

In the reality of life, we've always find it very easy to start a race, project, business, etc, but sustaining it for a very long time becomes the major problem. Along the long run of a business, momentum to keep going forward starts decreasing which might possibly shatter the business growth.
Ideally as humans, when we are tide down to one particular task for a very long time, there is a certain lost of concentration along the run. This can also be related to operating a business for long.
The human nature naturally loves making challenge, by checking out for other new opportunities.

Why Sustaining Sounds Difficult ?

Ideally, anyone can wake up one morning and start up a business using a very large sum, without picturing how long that business would run.
So, starting a business is what everyone could possibly do as long as the capital is intact, but where the problem lies is sustaining it.
The reason why sustaining a business can sound very difficult is because of how lengthy it might take the business to grow. i.e, humans are naturally scared of making a very slow growth while starting a business.
In a proper sense, operating a business can be different for everyone depending on the growth factor. This growth factor basically act as the energizing and weakening factor that can either motivate or discourage a business owner.
And when there are negative factors, the probability of failure is certain.

Quick To Falling

Sincerely, we shouldn't neglect the fact that some businesses falls even after maintaining a strong sustainable growth after a lengthy period of time.
The idea of lost of concentration is not longer the problem in this context, but there are other issues that basically cause damage to a full grown business.
Some of this basic causes are unplanned circumstances, as it can affect anyone.
Inflation is a common problem that can cause damage to a business. This is general, because it is an economical problem. This problem leaves people with no choice than to avoid the buying of certain products due to high cost of living.
By avoiding certain products, business owners are literally affected, which can crumble a full grown business.
The issue of global pandemic can also affect a grown business, but it does n't really matter in this context because it does n't happen often.
Picturing the last incident of the global pandemic, it was completely disastrous, as most company had to fold up after having several losses.

Possible Solution

Everyone who is into personal business or have an idea about business could possibly come up with a possible solution to business sustainability. From my own perspective, there are different possible solutions, but two are of more importance.
  1. Knowing what business to do, and
  2. Making sustainable plans on regular interval.
Instead of choosing a business that works for others, it is better to find a business that we can manage individually and bear the cost of any result.
While sustainable plan helps to checkmate every aspect of the business, inorder to avoid business death.

My Opinion And Conclusion

Most people are often attracted to going into businesses that works for others, without even drafting proper plans to picture how the business could possibly survive for the next five to ten years.
We often find a business very easy to start, but running a sustainable progress for years has being the major problem. The possible solutions in the context could possibly go a long way for us.
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