For any product or brand that is new to consumers, adequate promotion must be in place Inorder for that brand to gain fast popularity among consumers. This act of promotion is very common with the influence of those with fames.
Just imagine watching an advert from your favourite celeb about a brand which you where never interested in initially. Due to your love and trust for that celeb, it is certain that you might end up buying the product.
CreditThe world at large is still very much interested in the use of cash note, i.e most people still have value for paper money, not because of it's physicality, but because of the trust it has earn over the years.
Due to the high rate of inflation globally, paper note has failed offer a substantial help to its users. Most of this note are even hard to access in most banks due to different centralize protocols that guides withdrawer limit.
Why Digital
The idea for
digital technology was to make lifes much more easier, by modifying the available problems on ground inorder to reduce much work force.
Currently, all the advance digital tech we see today could be possibly traced to several problems. Example: is the vehicles we see today, it has helped to solve the problem of walking on foot or animals.
Basically, digital has remodified every problem to its minimum, by providing something greater for users.
currency was a solution to paper note problems. The issue of having tore or dirty paper note has being solved by having ones money in a digital form, which is being stored in a digital device.
This currencies has also help money owners to avoid all centralize
protocol that guides withdrawer limit.
A very good example of this digital currency is
cryptocurrency. Basically, cryptocurrency is not under the authority of any centralized firms or government due to its
decentralized structure.
This has help so many people most especially in emergency cases, having to withdraw a large amount for bad situations.
What Does Crypto Offers ?
Crypto has several things it offers which only few would be deliberated in this post. The following few offers are
fast transaction,
funds security, etc.
The aim of decentralization is to provide something that no one has control over. i.e no government or organization is incharge, but every user gets to access it for free. This decentralized structure has set a big gap between paper note and crypto.
The other point above is value. Even with the current inflation rate globally, cryptocurrency still has a way of adding value in price due to the increase in demand.
This is also another factor that makes it more suitable than the paper currency.
CreditThe Idea Of Community Promotion
Though, using advancing promotion methods for crypto currency is beginning to get compromised due to sec's intervention, but setting a community promotion sounds great.
Celebrities now face issues from sec just by promoting certain crypto currencies. Though this content won't go deep into that area.
Promoting this digital currencies requires proper approach, which could make someone with unfamiliar mind to blend in quickly.
We don't just bump into people and start declaring the usefulness of crypto. It might create a room for doubtful thought about how real crypto works.
First, try to know what they use often as their means of payment or medium or transaction.
Second, make attempt to always pay them via cryptocurrency. Although, they might refuse, but a continuos trial would certainly give a big victory.
Thirdly, we should be a good example of what we use. The benefits of cryptocurrency should be seen in us, not convincing people with successful stories of unknown men.
My Opinion And Conclusion
No matter how big a company is, every brands that comes from them requires proper promotion inorder to attract customers.
Cryptocurrency shouldn't be left out, as proper enlightenment to our community about it offers serves as a proper promotion.
How well do you promote cryptocurrency ?
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