How Devaluation Of Currency Has Benefited Crypto Earners



The world has given several opportunities to those who are ready to live above average, but the process of living above average comes with a cost. Those who are smart and has taken the opportunity to key into the new digital age has benefitted alot.
The world currently has a driving force that makes it work. That driving for oversees every activities that involves the exchange of goods and services for a price.
The driving force we are taking about is money.
Defining money in an ironic manner, we could deduce that it is like a power that set its authority over every activities, but depends on its valuation.

The idea of valuation, gives money that authority over so many things. Imaginary, money has the power to start and end conflicts among group of people.
But economically, we've seen how money struggle to meet up with the needs of people. The inflation of an economy has a way of rendering this currencies useless, due to its lost of authority over activities.
The devaluation of currency has made so many persons choose multiple jobs, by working in different places or for different people inorder to meet up with all personal needs.
But how long can we continue this way ?
Before making this post, i tried checking the current exchange rate of my country's currency to the US dollar. To my saddening disbelief, the price had gotten worse than it was.
I was so disappointed to see how my country's currency has devalued over the years since the change in power of different government.
But notwithstanding of the situation, i realized that those who earn in cryptocurrency has a way of resisting the devaluation of the country's currency, and could possibly resist the heat of economical inflation.


How Crypto Benefits

This new digital form of currency is beginning to oversee all other forms of currency in terms of valuation, by having greater authority in price increase.
Cryptocurrency has proven to be better due to its changes in price even with the present of economical inflation. Though, the price can fall drastically sometimes.
Cryptocurrency becomes beneficial when its price moves above the normal price of sales. Crypto earners who chooses to sell would likely exchange it for a stable coin, since the stable coin is far above their countries rate as at that particular point in time.
Things get more interesting for crypto holders during bull market, where this currencies tends to do well by moving very high in terms of price.

But Why Choose Crypto ?

When a particular product fails to meet the requirement of its consumers, people starts looking for a better alternative that would serve a better purpose.
Cryptocurrency in this case can be regarded as a better alternative for paper currencies.
But why ?
This is because paper currencies has failed to meet up to several demands of people making use of it.
We should note that economical inflation also affects crypto earners, but it does less damage to them than those that earn in normal paper currency.

In Conclusion

Cryptocurrency is not just a currency that serves as a medium of exchange, but it is a currency that could assist certain people to live above average. i.e, this people are opportune to live above poverty level.
Just like i stated earlier..
"The world has given several opportunities to those who are ready to live above average, but the process of living above average comes with a cost".
Cryptocurrency happens to be one of those opportunities, but the cost that comes with it are investment, patience and timing.
Inorder to survive and enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrency, we must learn to embrace its cost.

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