Photographer, sometimes traveler
Hello everyone!This is the last set of photos of mushrooms that I managed to photograph this year. The next mix of mushrooms will probably be at the end of next summer at the earliest, when the new mushroom season begins in my nearby forests. It's a pity that this season doesn't last longer for me.
Hello everyone!I invite you to see another set of photos of various mushrooms taken this past autumn. It will probably be the penultimate such mix this year, because there are only a few photos left in my collection of shots this year that I would like to share.
Hello everyone!I invite you on a short trip to several different places in Szczecin. I took all the photos during one of my summer walks around the city.[ PL ]Witam wszystkich!Zapraszam na krótką wycieczkę w kilka różnych miejsc w Szczecinie. Wszystkie zdjęcia wykonałem podczas jednego z letnich spacerów po tym mieście.
Hello everyone!Several different shots showing buildings and towns on the shores of Lake Como in Italy. As you can see, there are also mountains on the shores of the lake. Thanks to this combination, you can admire beautiful and picturesque views.
Hello everyone!Another Friday and another mix of photos of various mushroom finds.[ PL ]Witam wszystkich!Kolejny piątek i kolejny mix zdjęć różnych grzybowych znalezisk.Boletus, for most people the tastiest and most sought-after mushroom in Polish forests. I of course count myself among this majority of mushroom pickers.
Hello everyone!A few shots from an autumn walk to the lake. Almost the entire route ran through the forest, and part of it was a bike path. In total, I walked over 10 km in both directions.[ PL ]Witam wszystkich!Kilka ujęć z jesiennego spaceru nad jezioro. Niemal cała trasa przebiegała przez las, a jej część to była ścieżka rowerowa. Łącznie w obie strony przeszedłem ponad 10km.