Hey dear HIVEians, it's almost one week since I introduced you the WordPress E-Commerce Plugin WooCommerce Hive Payment Method and it's really AWESOME to see more and more online stores accepting HIVE cryptocurrency as a payment option now.
Today it get's even more exciting!
A few days ago
@aggroed asked me if it would be possible to add HIVE-ENGINE tokens to the plugin.
It was pretty obvious to me that this would make perfect sense and I started working on it. It took me quite some time to solve a few challenges here and there but in the end, it was totally possible!
At this point I really want to thank
@aggroed for the making that suggestion and even funding my work!
Version 1.3.0 released - Pay with HIVE-ENGINE tokens
Since I don't want to repeat all the stuff already written in the introduction post
here - I'll only cover the changes regarding the HIVE-ENGINE update at this point.
Updating from Version 1.2.0
Just download the ZIP File above and install it as a Wordpress Plugin. In this case the old version 1.2.0 will be replaced with version 1.3.0 and all your settings will still be inplace. After the update you'll be able to add HIVE-ENGINE tokens.
Admin Panel
HIVE-ENGINE tokens are added to the list of Accepted Currencies - just multi-select the desired tokens from the list and save those changes. It's now possible to remove HIVE or HDB in-case you just wanna accept a specific HIVE-ENGINE token for whatever reason.
Product View
If you enabled the Option "insightful prices on products" all accepted crypto tokens will be shown in your product view. I would suggest to disable the option if you like to consider a lot of tokens otherwise the product view will be overcrowded with alternative prices.
Your customer can now choose on of those accepted tokens and the total amount to pay in will be shown as expected. Business as usual.
Broadcast Transaction with HiveSigner
The plugin automatically detects that sending HIVE-ENGINE tokens requires a custom_json operation, so instead of signing a transfer op, HiveSigner will suggest a custom_json op with data from the purchase made.
If the transaction was broadcasted successfully, the user will be redirected to your shop and show order details. The plugin will now scan the HIVE-ENGINE side-chain for incoming transactions for the shop owner in order to determine if the payment was successful or not.
Security Notes
Please beware that I've done my best to test it, find bugs and fix them - at this point I cannot guarantee that it's 100% bug-free. Please take extra care if you are going to accept HIVE-ENGINE tokens in your shop since you will be the first one to try it out on the field!
Another important point would be that, you should consider the liquidity and price fluctuation of HIVE-ENGINE tokens you are going to accept (especially on low liquidity markets). But I guess this should already be pretty obvious since we are in crypto here.
Asking for KeyChain Support
Right now the plugin makes use of HiveSigner Signing URLs.
@aggroed and me are in touch with the
@aggroed and want to improve the user experience even further. Our ultimate goal is that HiveSigner URLs can be signed with KeyChain Browser Plugin. So don't forget to vote for the
KeyChain proposal, in-case you haven't already!
Final Note
If tribes are looking to create their own wordpress store I'm happy to work with you to create this.
As far as I understood
@hivelist is offering your very own shop as well - so you have plenty of opportunities here.
This is
@roomservice and when you like my work, I would be glad to be your witness:
Vote here