"Work- Life Balance:Enjoying Life as a Wife, Mom While Working and Earning Through Time Management"

Hello everyone! I am @ronimarie82 from Philippines,greeting you all a happy blessed day.How are you all? I am hoping that you are all in good condition.By the way, I have decided to join the weekly challenge about “WORK- LIFE BALANCE” i feel eager to join the challenge because i want to share to all of you my dear ASEAN hiver’s about my hectic schedule being a Loving and caring Wife,a Mom While Working and Earning Through Time Management.
Despite my super duper Hectic and busy schedule I still enjoy my life .Yes, it’s true I still enjoy my life no matter how busy I am.I can still have time for my family and my work and that’s how I manage my time.
I got married and have 2 daughters,and it’s not easy being a wife and a mother at the same time .I work all the house chores,do the cooking,laundry,take care of my children and also I work very hard to earn money to CO_PROVIDE our family. I wake up early in the morning to do the cooking for our breakfast. Simple food like Rice then partners with egg or corned beef,or beef loaf. Then I wake UP my daughters so they can take a bath and get prepared for school. After they were ready , I sent my daughters to school by driving our Honda Beat Scooter named Blaze.When I arrived from sending my daughters to school,that's the time I could eat my breakfast.Let my food settle before doing the cleaning,and laundry. Hmm,mine YOU.! Doing household chores becomes faster and more effective when I have my speaker ON playing love songs .I don’t care how many layers the laundry or dirty the house is, as long as I can play my music my job automatically done.
Our common dishes for lunch are meat either,Chicken Adobo,beef soup,pork chop,fried chicken wings,pork or Beef caldereta,Humba,Lumpiang shanghai,Squid calamares etc.The reason i choose meat for lunch is because meat take a long time to dissolve and after lunch we still have lots of time to do more for the whole day activity.SO meat are good to consume on lunch time
Afternoon I would pick my daughters from school then I would cook for dinner.Our common dishes for dinner are fish,shells,vegetables etc. Because they can easily dissolve.
Let me share to you the photos of my daughter when she join UNITED nations,her elder sister and I attend to watched her and support her.
After dinner time,I would do my online JOB and my blogs.By the way my husband is working abroad and during his free time we always do video calls. I do my house chores while we are on video call,so even though he is 8 thousand miles away from us we don't feel that he is really far.Besides he always makes sure that the distance between us can't stop us from connecting and making our family complete. My husband and I pray together,make decisions,make house roles, everything we talk and discuss on vediocalls.People asked me why I still want to work knowing my husband is working abroad? Hmm,my answer is that; NOW a day’s if only one like the husband work and provide for the family,it is not enough.Both couple must work and earned to provide for the family.The reasons is because all the commodities are expensive,foods,bills,student allowance,meds,vitamins,savings. We both work because we have plans in life, we have ambitions to reach.
When the time is right we would retire and enjoy our life together as husband and wife with our professional successful daughter’s in God’s time. It is all about Time management.Before I didn't believe in SUPERMOM,until I became one.If you know how to manage your time,you can do all your whole day's tasks on time. Despite how busy I am; i still have time to bond with my daughters during Sundays and I can send my youngest daughter to bed. She is now turning 13 years old but she is still clingy and cannot sleep if i dont hug her and scratch her head till she falls asleep. According to psychology it's a sign of a strong bond that my daughter and I have. The best feeling is even when I get tired and then I look at my girls and hug them ,all my tiredness and my body pains eliminates.Thats the power of HUGS from my girls and a smile from my hardworking husband. About my driving; don't you worry i have a licensed to drive.
My sincere big thank you to all of you who spend time on reading my blog. I hope you would be eager to wait and read for my next blog again. Wishing you all a wonderful fruitful day ahead for all my beloved Asean HIVER’S friends and family. Again this is your Hiver friend @ronimarie82,God bless everyone.
Note; All pictures are mine and edited in canva
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