CAN TRANQUIL 56x76cm. acrylic on wood 2025.
I just wanted to share this latest painting I´ve been working on for the past couple of months. It´s part of a project I´m doing illustrating the houses I have lived in and there is a representation of my experiences when I lived there. It´s one of seven paintings.
I lived in this house during the years 1999 and 2000.
It was the beginning of the home computer time and I´d just retuned from living in California for a year and we installed a few computers at the house and many friends used to come around to use them, people still didn´t have them in Ibiza everywhere and smartphones were still to be invented.
We also had a very big organic vegetable garden we looked after between a few of us.
There is also a significative time I spent in Greece. The tent is the representation of a very noisy kiddies park we lived next to that had always blasting music. So these are just a few of the images represented in this painting. Each part of it contains meaning. Many hidden messages. I hope you enjoy this.
Here are some closer details.

Here are some images of the process:

Till it finally turned into this:

To see other posts about this series of my life you can visit:
and more to come.
I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of the process.
Best Wishes to you all!