Hello Chess Community!

A little bad news (big news really for me).
Lilchess.org has mistakenly marked my account for external assistance in games. Of course I wrote a detail appeal; however I found that you only get 1000 characters to appeal. Well that alright because I get as many characters as I want to tell the community that’s its not true.
Here where it all started after more than five years, I realize ipage (my web hosting site) is charging me $27 dollars a month for one of my domains (bbgirlsgames.com). Well I have two other hosting account that I am only paying $1.99 a month for. Long story short my final offer to them was $3.99. OK I didn’t win so I am letting the domain expire. Now I need to get all of my future NFTs apps off of their (lol not really).
So for the past two week I have actually been updating my chess program and I re-learned that you can really break something when you are updating it.
Back to the issue, appear my allege crime was using the analysis board (an external assistance) during actual game. Of course when playing against the stockfish engine there is no problem all the games are casual. But apparently lichess will allow the analysis board to be open during a rated game. If it happen it was unintentional and after the game or logic has broken down.
Playing these many casual games against stockfish should not indicate cheating. My hopes is that a real person not a bot will take a look at all or some of the history.
I don't normally see or recognize any messages on lichess but there were a message that caught my attention this morning. Well it was @lighteye asking me what happen and that How I was alerted to the mark against me.
Putting all kidding aside not being able to play in the hive chess tournament will be a big deal me!
Well If I am not successful, I guess I could always make a Friday Tournament Post :).
6 wins5 losses
Played 11 Blitz games
Completed 6 correspondence games6 losses
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
12 wins17 losses
Played 29 Blitz games
1 win
Played 1 Rapid game
Completed 12 correspondence games1 win11 losses
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 8
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 8
Defeat vs Stockfish level 8
Defeat vs Stockfish level 8
Defeat vs Stockfish level 8
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 2
Defeat vs Stockfish level 2
2 wins5 losses
Played 7 Blitz games
Completed 15+ correspondence games8 wins7 losses
Defeat vs Stockfish level 2
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 2
Defeat vs Stockfish level 2
Victory vs Stockfish level 2
Victory vs Stockfish level 2
Victory vs Stockfish level 2
10 wins9 losses
Played 19 Blitz games
1 win5 losses
Played 6 Crazyhouse games
Completed 3 correspondence games3 losses
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #18 in Hivechess S17 R3
2 wins
Played 2 Crazyhouse games
Completed 14 correspondence games4 wins10 losses
Victory vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Victory vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
7 wins2 losses
Played 9 Crazyhouse games
5 wins
Played 5 Blitz games
Completed 4 correspondence games4 losses
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
3 wins7 losses
Played 10 Crazyhouse games
1 win1 loss
Played 2 Blitz games
Completed 5 correspondence games1 draw4 losses
Draw vs Stockfish level 3
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4
Defeat vs Stockfish level 4


12 Replies