Start Podcasting with Your Cell Phone & Free Apps!


Day 5/100: Starting the Podcast Journey!

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
Use your Cell phone:
Starting a Podcast can feel daunting. Taking one small step helps gain momentum for the journey! In the early stages of Podcasting, your smartphone can be a easy, capable recording device and help you take the first step.
Your Podcast can start short like an “Atomicast” or “Micro” Podcast (1-3 minutes).
Use a Free App:
Free Resources are also available to help start your Podcast Journey. Apps like “Anchor” provide an all-in-one platform. “Anchor” allows you to record, edit, and publish your podcast - right from your phone!
Start small with a few minute Podcast, your Cell Phone and a free app!
#CWH #Kindness #Podcast
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