NEW WAVE CULT MAGICK (1 Mar. 2025) Written Junk + Playlist...

Posted to my Bluesky & Warpcast accounts at a few minutes after 8:PM (Pacific time):
I'm gonna do some "blog-style" writing for a bit while my wife watches shows that aren't my favorite. I will need TUNES while this goes down, to keep the reality t.v. out of my ears. Want to come listen to what I'm hearing, and say hi in the chat, and maybe drop a track or two???
[The music begins...]
---Les Rythmes Digitales - "Soft Machine"
[Posted to the empty chat:] "Greetings CREATURES OF THE NIGHT! Let's bring some boom boom crack!"
Tonight, I've decided to try a new multi-media experiment. I'm going to play tunes on HANGOUT FM, here in my evil space, "NEW WAVE CULT MAGICK," while keeping an eye on the chat AND writing notes to myself. I'll probably drop a few notes to the NOBODY in the room from time to time, cuz that's funny to me!!! Ha!
---Tom Waits - "The Black Rider"
After the "SESSION" is over, I'm gonna post the whole mess to my HIVE BLOG (using the Peakd platform) as an archive of the "PERFORMANCE." Why the FUCK NOT??? The "history" tab on my hangout should keep the tunes accessible, if folks want to drop in and give them a listen, as well, which is awesome!
[Message to the nobodies in the room:] "Hey, you creeps! Keep it civil! I know Tom is crazy, but that's no reason to fight on the dance floor!!! Come up with a better reason if you wanna throw down! HA!"
Ha! See what I did there? I made up a story about a fight on the fake dancefloor, even though the room is "TECHNICALLY" empty! That's the kind of thing I'm hoping this experiment brings to light!!!!
---Coil - "Heartworms" [RIP to sweet weirdos!]
This is fun... I love just listening to music, anyway, and getting to TALK about it while I play is double-cool... (I should add some Brit acid house / breakbeat to the playlist! Like Double Trouble or Cookie Crew...)
---New York Dolls - "Frankenstein"
Speaking of "RIP," we lost David Johansson of the Dolls today. That sucks. He was funny. Luckily, we still have a few tunes to remember him by!
[Message to the not-an-audience:] "The Dolls are ripping it up in HECK right now! Good night, sweet Buster..."
...March first already. Jeeze... Time is a mutha-fuckin' cannonball. Hate it! I'm already 52, and it seems like just yesterday when I was turning 12!
---Majestic, Double Trouble, + Rebel MC - "Street Tuff"
Tomorrow is my younger grandkid's first birthday party! (I also have a five-year-old granddaughter...) PARTY AT THE BOWLING ALLEY! We ain't bowling, though, which is good. I don't think one-year-olds are particularly coordinated, and bowling is tough!
---Cookie Crew - "Got to Keep On"
So... Do you peeps think that ALIENS are finally making it impossible for the gov-mint to say we are alone on the planet, OR is it just a fact now that UFOs exist and fly circles around the world's militaries? I'm not sure. I KNOW that the U.S. military has tech that they don't share with the rest of us, and that's fine. (Unless the build a better pinball machine or a way to dance to more than two songs at a time, I'm pretty good with what we've got, now...) I'm not even convinced, honestly, that we don't live in something like a holographic / simulated / electrical-magnetic-field universe that this reality is just an M&M candy coating over the top of!!! AND I don't care that I ended that sentence with a preposition! Rules don't exist!!!!
I've been reading a lot of materials about multiple dimensions and out of body travel and remote viewing and dream journeys lately, so this alien thing fits right in... (I don't really BELIEVE in anything, but I love the folklore / theory / multi-verse building that goes into all these ideologies...)
---Quando Quango - "Go Exciting" [Man....this is a great fxxking song...]
---They Might Be Giants - "Man, It's So Loud In Here"
Deep breath. Calm. Just enjoy...
Mariah and I have purchased our entry tickets for Oregon Ghost Con, coming up in just a couple weeks! We even bought into a "mini-event" going on near the convention center: "Witches & Wine" with our favorite presenter from previous years, J. Allen Cross. Should be fun! (We've missed a couple of years, but I think this will be our THIRD time taking in this event. We love us some ghost stories!!!!)
---Front Line Assembly - "Headcase Fargone"
---Circle Jerks - "Golden Shower of Hits"
---NOFX - "Electricity"
---Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - "Radio Waves"
---Beck - "Fume"
I took a few minutes to share a drawing on the Rodeo thing, for no reason, cuz I don't expect nobody to bother with it. Do they even see my artz? Don't cost nothing to share there, and who knows, maybe my new best friend will see it and laugh and send me a message, and we'll get together and have coffee and bond over our mutual love of The Legendary Pink Dots AND The Bay City Rollers.... Or... Who knows? Here's a link to what I drew: (Maybe you'll think it's funny, but if not, oh well! Nothing hurt!!!)
---808 State - "In Yer Face"
[To the still-nobody-in-the-crowd:] "Don't make me call you mother!!!" [And, yes, I typed "you" instead of "your." Sue me!]
---Happy Mondays - "W.F.L. (Think About the Future Mix)"
I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore. I mean, I would love to be an artist for a living, but the fear of "selling out" is nearly paralyzing. In addition, I spend most of my time hanging with the five-years-old and under set, lately. They are a tough crowd to entertain, so my confidence is a bit shaky. Maybe I need to take more recreational drugs... I'll think about it...
---Executive Slacks - "The Bus"
---Alien Sex Fiend - "E.S.T. (Trip to the Moon)(12" Version)"
---N-Joi - "Mindflux"
---Liquid Liquid - "Cavern"
While I'm sharing art, I posted a new piece to a gallery that I have on HIVE... I know that most people (rightfully so) think that CRYPTO is a scam, and that blockchain is just bullshit, but for a poor artist who lives in a backwater, nearly-dead logging town, having ANY means of sharing my creations with an audience beyond the churches, bars, and tattoo shops that fill this town's streets is life changing! I've tried a few different "schemes" for sharing artwork: mailing it directly to galleries and museums, making zines, having physical shows at collages, coffee shops, even galleries (they took 50 percent of the sale price! PLUS, I had to pay the fuel costs to drive the artwork there!!!) And I tried zines and blogs and MySpaces and FaceBoots and Instaglam and Patronizeon and blah blah blah... And to be honest with you, inexpensive chains, like Hive and Tezos, have proven the LEAST EXPENSIVE and most freeing publishing platforms that I've used. They tend to be fast, they don't take a massive startup cost, they aren't too technical for me to use (I'm a grandpa, remember, so whatever I'm doing has to be simple enough for a Gen-X to do it!), and they don't have looming editorial oversight!!! Since I'm primarily a Dada/punk/Fluxus/conceptual kind of guy, the majority of what I CREATE isn't in any sense "COMMERCIAL ART." I'm just doing shit, and documenting it, and sharing some of it, whenever I get a wild hair... (I get those quite a lot...) It's not like I'm trying for a CAREER, I just do what I do cuz it's always what I've done, and having a handful of sites to share what I draw and make is NEAT. Makes me feel good, even if I'll never get rich doing it! Ha!!!
---The Death Set - "Set for Death"
---The Thermals - "No Culture Icons"
---The Tear Garden - "Deja Vu"
Join me next time I jump into the Hangout, and we can chat and trade songs! I seriously enjoyed this experiment, even with no outside participation! Imagine how fun it might be with "friends!!!" Here's the link, just in case:
(I supposed, if you like the idea but think my song choices are terrible, you can always go to the 80's Room or a metal room or whatever...) Anyway, thanks for stopping by!!!