16 Feb. 2025

[I drew a bunny on my granddaughter, Felicity's caste. She finally got it removed a few days ago. (She broke her arm falling off a gymnastics bar!!!) Yeah....]
I have been a busy old cruster, lately. Most of my time has been hanging with the new kid (my grandson, Riot) so that his mom can go back to work! GOSH!!! He is almost one yearz old, and he is a BUSY KID... Thus, I have been SKINNY with the ARTZ lately! (The ONLY way that I've been skinny, by the by...) Anyway, yesterday (15 Feb.), I finally had a minute to make a new "PIRATE RADIO SHOW!"
Follow this sketchy link to listen to cracked out music by weirdos, like Kings of Convenience, Cracker, Air, Adverts, Implant, Chem Bros, Rugburns, SWMRS, Pere Ubu, Nina Hagen, + Florence & some machine or something... (Free to listen! May cause insanity...)
I ALSO (just now) created a post on PEAKD where I shared a bunch of my recent (fairly recent) NOTEBOOK pages. (As in PAPER.) This is the LIVE stuff, folks! Horror and humor and scribbles GORE-LORE!!!
While I'm in an updating mood, I went ahead and made a new post on NEOCITIES! Thrills and spills and bellyaches, OH MY!!!
17 Feb. 2025
I have over 500 designs at RedBubble that you can put on junk, like shirts, stickers, postcards, posters, mugs... Blah blah blah... (AND it's still kinda fun to look at the gallery of images, even if you're sick of being asked to BUY stuff all the time....)
This piece is called "We Put the 'MESS' in 'MESSAGE'" by RFY (Holy Fool)
[Felt pen, gel pen, and colored pencil on reclaimed cardboard with minor digital embellishments.] Scribbly mash of emotional nonsensicality. Critters scuffling...
"Tastes Like the Hard Game" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
[Felt pen, gel pen, and colored pencil on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Process the moment...
"Astral Body" by Richard F. Yates (HF)
[Gel pen on black paper with digital embellishments and color.] Not very well formed, yet. Must keep concentrating!
18 Feb. 2025
"The Excruciating Effects of Becoming a Cubist Creature" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] I just draw 'um. I don't have to interpret the stuff, too, do I???
"Bunch of Bull" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
[Felt pen, gel pen, glitter pen, and colored pencil on reclaimed cardboard chunk with digital embellishments and color.] Don't let the horns fool ya, the bull is a friendly beast... Unless it's trying to kill you, then the horns can be a bit of a bother...
That's enough for this thingy. I'm gonna keep working on artz, cuz it's what I do, but it's time to jump to a new post... (Know what I mean?) It's all a tapestry, but for a blanket or bed cover to be useful, it can't cover the whole world... (I'm not on any drugs but cold medicine...and anti-anxiety pills...and the other psycho pills... Okay. I'm on drugs. Sue me!)
Thanks for stopping by!!