How To Boost Speed And SEO Of WordPress Website By Doing Just These Two Things

When your speed of website is fast, automatically your search engine optimization ranking is boosted as well. The best thing about the two methods I am going to be discussing today is that both are 100% free to use; hence, you do not have to pay any money to use these methods.

1. Use CloudFlare Free Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDN is a network of servers that are spread worldwide in multiple locations. The static content on your website is served through CDN from the server that is closest to them. This reduces the load times of your website significantly also improves the user experience as well.
All you have to do is sign up your website to You can check this excellent step by step guide, right here.

2. Install Free Wordpress Theme Called GeneratePress

GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress free theme but has a paid option as well. This theme is optimized for maximum speed, and the best thing about it is that not only is responsive but also mobile friendly as well.
All you have to do is search for "GeneratePress" theme in the themes section and just install plus activate it. Make sure to delete all the previous themes once you have fully optimized your GeneratePress theme on your WordPress website.

Final Thoughts

Even though these are two simple methods but they will significantly boost the performance of your WordPress website in no time, and you will instantly start to see results.
Your website speed will improve your SEO rankings and also retain website users as well.
I can vouch for these two methods because I have implemented them on my two WordPress websites, so I am discussing this strategy from my own personal experience.
Please let me know in the comments section below if, by applying these two simple-to-follow methods did you saw any positive results.
You can see all of my social media links right here.
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