HE Explorer - Hive-Engine Explorer

HE Explorer is an opensource Hive-Engine sidechain explorer that runs on your browser on top of Hive-Engine API. Its an exact copy of my Steem-Engine explorer.
Like the Steem-Engine explorer, everything is pulled from Hive-Engine API and processed on your browser, it has no backend of its own. The pages are also mobile-friendly.
Both of them recently received some new updates and features, and a new website URL.


Hive-Engine is not seeing much activities yet. :)

Block Viewer

Format: https://he.dtools.dev/b/blockNumer
Example: https://he.dtools.dev/b/57490

Transaction Viewer

Format: https://he.dtools.dev/tx/trxId
Example: https://he.dtools.dev/tx/de8d273e8cd67a6ae8cf12c955a12d1b5695e4e5

Account History

Format: https://he.dtools.dev/@username
Example: https://he.dtools.dev/@reazuliqbal
The account history page received an update. Now you can filter account history based on tokens.

Rich List

Format: https://he.dtools.dev/richlist/TOKEN
Example: https://he.dtools.dev/richlist/BEE
The rich list has been the most requested feature people were asking when I first created the Steem-Engine explorer. Now both of them have the rich list page.


This is not a complete explorer. Some operations might be missing. I constantly update the project when I see some new operations. If you find a blank box in your account history or the homepage, please report here with the block and transaction ID. I'll add support for that ASAP. Supporting NFT operations are less priority right now, but they will be added later.
Also if you are interested in the Steem-Engine explorer, that can be found here https://github.com/CodeBull/SteemEngineExplorer.

I am running a Hive Witness as @BDCommunity.
Please vote for @BDCommunity as a witness.
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